Chapter 80: Surprise

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A/n: Attendance, you all?

(Don't judge me, I just always wanted to do that 😭)

Pov y/n 

It is a very casual Friday, I go to work and afterwards I have swim training. But other than on most Fridays, Rose won't join me later on for a swimming lesson because she's meeting a friend today.
I would have loved a swimming lesson because I love spending time with her but I totally understand that she wants to meet her friend. So, I go back home after my training.

I text Scarlett that my training was fun and that I'll go work on Rose's treehouse now because she asked me to keep her updated.
She hasn't replied since this morning but I suppose she is just busy and I push thoughts that say otherwise away.

Since it's actually a nice day outside, I decide to walk to her house.
When I enter I stop and frown a little. It smells more like her than usual.
That's a weird way to say it but everyone has a natural scent and hers is also noticeable when entering the house.
The last time I was here, it was more fainted though but maybe that's just an illusion because it's been a little while since I've been here.

I shrug to myself and walk through to her garden. It's still a little strange to walk around the empty house but I got used to it a little.
I reach the trees where I started to build the treehouse and smile proudly to myself. It's not finished yet, that'll take a lot more work but it is a pretty good start and I am proud of myself for building this so far because I've never done this before and it actually looks pretty good.

I used a ladder to reach up to where I nailed the first few wooden planks to the tree. And once I was sure they are stable, I attached a hanging ladder for me to climb up on and later on for Rose to use.
I fastened the other wooden planks as well, so the platform is all done and secured now. Just for stabilization, I attached a pier underneath the middle of the platform, to ensure it wouldn't break.

Last time I started on the railing, so Rose won't accidentally fall off. I started where the ladder leads up because the railing also helps to climb up and makes it easier for me.

I spend around three hours measuring wood and cutting it before getting it up onto the platform and building a railing out of it.
Half of it is done now and the other pieces are in the right length for me to finish the other half the next time. It got dark, almost to a point where I can't see what I'm doing anymore, so I had to stop.

I put the wood back to where I store it and leave the house, locking it.
On my way back, I check my phone to see if Scarlett texted back but she hasn't yet. I sigh a little, I kinda hoped to see a new text but it's okay, I know she has very busy days sometimes.

My stomach growls and when I get back to my apartment, I get started on dinner.
When my phone buzzes, I take a look and smile when I see it's Scarlett, replying to the messages I sent her.
We chat for a little while and she tells me that she won't be able to call me tonight because she won't be home until very late. I tell her it's okay, but she knows me better than this and assures me, I'll get to see her very soon again.
I have dinner and decide to watch a movie before going to bed.

The next day starts off normal and I go to the store to buy some groceries. Just as I am about to think about what I could do today, I get a text from Scarlett.

Scarlett: Hey, angel. Can you do me a favor and go to the house to check on the backyard? I heard there was a storm last night?

I look at the text in surprise, I didn't know there was a storm here but maybe I slept through it.
Although, the streets didn't look like there was a storm tonight either.
But I text her that I'll go to check on it, not wanting her to worry.

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