Chapter 38: Boat date

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Pov y/n

The next morning was calm and thanks to Lizzie, Scarlett and I were able to stay in bed a little longer.
We just laid there and cuddled, enjoyed being close.

I used that moment, to ask her out on a date because I finally saved enough money for what I had planned. She looked at me with big eyes and agreed excitedly.

No matter how much she asked me what we would do, I didn't tell her because I wanted it to be a surprise. The only thing I told her was to bring a swimsuit or bikini, just in case it would be a sunny day.
That made her raise her eyebrow at me and she asked if I was taking her to an indoor swimming pool. I denied that question though because that's far from what I had planned.

It was cute how she tried to guess further after getting one answer but I kept my poker face on and eventually she gave up. She allowed me to take her car though, so I could drive her to the destination I had in mind, so the surprise wouldn't be ruined. I thanked her for that with a lot of kisses, making her giggle.

We joined Lizzie and Rose downstairs for breakfast and listened to Rose talk about the dream she had last night. After breakfast I said my goodbye to be able to prepare tomorrow's date properly.
Since Lizzie and Rose have their special day tomorrow, I thought it'd be nice to do the date tomorrow.

Rose hugged me goodbye before returning to Lizzie to read a book together. Scarlett gave me a kiss and I told her I'll text her tomorrow when I'm gonna pick her up.

Ever since then, I've been busy, running errands and taking care of things. Even though it was a little stressful, it was worth it because it also made the day go by fast and I didn't have a lot of time to be nervous about tomorrow.

Now, that I'm on my way to Scarlett's, I am nervous. Or more excited. So far we've only been on two official dates and both of them were planned by Scarlett and they were amazing, so I am worried that my date may look weak compared to hers.

I watch the tunnels of the subway fly by as my fingers play with the hem of my shirt. It'll work out fine, there's nothing to worry about. I planed out everything perfectly and even the weather is playing along. Although it's October, it's quite warm today and the sun is out, no clouds on the sky. I couldn't wish for a better weather.

After taking a deep breath, I calm myself a little and try to focus on other things than my running thoughts.
It doesn't take long and I arrive at my stop and walk the last few minutes to Scarlett's house. My heart is beating faster than usual when I press the doorbell. Scarlett buzzes me in and as soon as I see her excited face, all my nervousness is gone.

She pulls the door closed behind her and comes to me, wrapping her arms around my neck to pull me in for a short kiss. I smile at her action.

"Did you miss me?" I ask against her lips and she nods before pecking my lips again. Her answer activates the butterflies in my stomach and I lean my forehead against hers for a few seconds.

"Then it's good that we're on a date today, so you get enough time with me." I say and her eyes start to sparkle at the mention of our date.

"I guess you still won't tell me where we're going?" She asks and I shake my head while chuckling a little.

She pouts at me for a few seconds before it turns into a smile and she takes my hand to tug me towards the car. She opens the trunk and we both put our bags in there. Mine is quite big and she eyes it thoughtful and looks at me. I just smile secretly and close the trunk. Scarlett hands me the keys and we get into the car.

It's been a while since I've been driving but I have a license and back at home I drove quite a lot. Since I'm in New York, I never sat behind a wheel because for once cars are expensive and secondly, I don't have a spot where I could park it.
I adjust the mirrors a little bit before I turn on the car. Scarlett opens the gate for me and I carefully reverse onto the street.
After a few minutes of driving, I get used to the car and feel safe behind the wheel.

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