Chapter 15: Emergency

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Pov y/n 

With every passing day, I get more and more into a routine at the aquarium and Steph, Billy, that's my other co-worker, and I get along great and always communicate which jobs we prefer each day and fill out the schedule together.

Turns out, they prefer the normal tour and leave the shark tour to me. Which is great, because a I love the shark tour. We switch who gets to feed which animals and it all works pretty great.

The moments where I have nothing to do, I walk around the building, seeing if I can help anyone. I could never get tired of just watching the fish swim around peacefully and if I didn't have to work, I would just sit in front of the tanks the whole day.
Although I have to say, that I really like the feedings because I get to see the animals from a different angle and I feel like I am a little closer to them than when I'm in front of the thick glass.

The urge to just sit down on the platform above their tanks is big but I don't do it because I have other things to do.

The coffeeshop also goes great and I enjoy working there. Jesse still asks me about the woman he saw me with.
I haven't told him Scarlett's name or anything but he is still excited for me and asks me how I'm feeling about her and if I want it to be something serious. I was honest and told him that I don't know. Because on the one hand I would love for it to become something more but we only met a little over two weeks ago, so I shouldn't expect anything soon or at all, since I still don't know if Scarlett likes women in that way.

Today is Friday and I'm currently sitting in front of an aquarium, watching one of the sharks closely. Something seems a little off and I'm not sure why. From this point of view the shark doesn't seem hurt but the way he swims tells me he is, I just don't know where.

I pull my phone out to call Mr. Jackson and let him know, when a text from Scarlett makes my phone buzz. I frown a little while I read it.

Scarlett: Please call me as soon as possible, I need your help.

That sounds serious and for a few seconds I'm worried something really bad happened, like she or Rose got hurt but I probably wouldn't be the first person she would text then.

Y/n: I have work for another hour but after that I will call you, okay?

Scarlett: Yes, thank you.

I look at our chat for a few more seconds before I open Mr. Jackson's contact and call him. It's a quick call and he says he will come see for himself.
While I wait for him, my eyes stay on the shark while my mind is elsewhere.

I hope Scar and Rose are okay. She said it was kinda urgent but not so much that I would have to call her during my work, which makes it less worse I suppose.
I mean, if it was a really bad situation, she probably couldn't wait an hour and just text me what's the matter.

I'm brought back to my current situation when Mr. Jackson appears next to me.
"Which shark do you mean?" He asks, his eyes searching for the shark already.

"This one." I say and point to the side, where the shark I'm talking about it swimming around alone.
Mr. Jackson walks along the glass to get a closer look. I follow him, now completely back on this topic.

"You're right, it does look like something isn't quite right but I don't see any injuries. Maybe it's just a bad day?" Mr. Jackson thinks out loud. I watch the shark a bit longer until I hum. I'm not agreeing but I also don't see what could be wrong.

"Maybe." I say and for a little while we both just watch the shark.

"We will keep an eye on it and if it's still there in a few days, we will take a closer look." Mr. Jackson decides and I nod, sounds like a smart idea.

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