Chapter 64: The new job

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Pov y/n

The alarm pulls me out of the land of the dreams and I groan before shutting it off. I rest my arm above my eyes, not ready to get up. The matrass beside me shifts before I feel kisses on my cheek. I lift my arm away and smile a little when I open my eyes and look at Scarlett. She looks equally as tired as me but still manages to smile at me.

"I don't wanna go." I mumble and she smiles softly and kisses my nose.

"It'll be just fine, I know it." She assures me and I sigh a little.

"But why so early though?" I ask back and pout a bit, making her chuckle.

"You had to get up even earlier for your job at the coffeeshop." She points out and I hum, she is right.

"But back then I didn't have the chance to cuddle with you instead of getting up." I grin a little and scoot closer to her, looking up at her as she's propping herself up on one arm. She smiles and pushes some hair out of my face.

"That's true." She agrees and gives me a quick peck before moving away and I sigh a little but get up as well and dressed.

Today is my first day at my new job as a marine biologist and I am actually excited about it but I am also nervous because this is bigger than working at a coffeeshop or an aquarium, this probably is the one chance in life and if I blow it, it might never come again.
Besides, I am also nervous to meet all these new people who are already a team and now I come along. I mean, I did meet one or two people already when I was there to sign the contract and everything but still, from today on, I will work there. Even picking an outfit makes me nervous because I wanna make a good impression.

I look through my choices but can't seem to find the right one. When I feel a presence behind me, I glance at her and sigh. Scarlett rubs my shoulders, trying to calm me down, before she takes out some clothes and offers them to me.
I look at them: a grey pair of jeans and a light blue blouse that is a little warmer, so I don't freeze, seems like a solid choice.
I nod and take the clothes from her before giving her a quick kiss. She returns it and tells me she'll make breakfast and wake up Rose while I get dressed.

I nod and change into the clothes she picked. I look into the mirror and tug a bit on the blouse until I'm happy and take a deep breath, it will be fine.

The smell of coffee lures me downstairs and I see Scarlett hustling around the kitchen, preparing breakfast. I take a moment to just look at her and admire my wonderful girlfriend.
Since my new job is in Manhattan, my old apartment is pretty far away and the drive there would have taken really long, ending in me needing to get up very early.

So, Scarlett offered that I can stay with her and Rose until I have my new apartment. I wasn't sure about it at first because it felt like moving in together and it doesn't feel quite right yet, but she assured me that it is really just until I find a new apartment here in Manhattan. I agreed and have to admit that the thought of waking up next to her, definitely sounded tempting. We moved some more clothes of mine in here, so I have a bigger selection. I still have my apartment in Brooklyn though, just in case I need some space or silence or so.

Rose was excited as well that I am living here for now and insisted on taking me to work on my first day, meaning, Scarlett has to take me and Rose comes with us. Honestly, it's pretty adorable and it makes me smile every time I think about it.
Scarlett notices me and nods towards the cup of coffee she made. I walk over and take a sip, it tastes great and I smile thankfully. She returns the smile.

"You know, you don't have to do all this, I could do it myself." I say, feeling a little bad that she puts this much effort into it but she shakes her head.

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