Off sigh. He looks calm despite being at the center of attention. "I'm not ready. Aside from that, this is not about me, this is about our trip." He simply answered.

The two of them are tense, and they can sense it. They continue to exchange glares as if they had never been best friends. They aren't even sure if they still think of each other as best friends because things have changed, and they don't know each other, as well as they, used to.

They are, in a word, adults.

"Ooookay. Let's just go back to our previous topic." Arm grabbed his pen and paper. "We are eight in total. Me and Namtan, Earth and Mix, Tay and Bella, and Off and New. That's it."

"That's perfect! We can accommodate the largest house in the resort. It has four rooms inside." Namtan discussed. "New, do you want to have your own room—"

"No, it's fine. I can share with Off." New answered. He does want to have his room, of course, but he doesn't want to be a burden for them to move to another house just because of him.

"Then, we'll take the house. It's got a pool itself and is near to the beach."

After their gathering, Namtan asked New to go with her. They grabbed an ice cream near their university.

"What's with people just staring at me instead of saying what the fuck they want?" New said, letting his ice cream melt on his hands and refusing to eat it. While his other hand is in his pocket. It was kind of surprising that he wasn't eating it, despite that he loved dessert.

"So, it's Bella.." Namtan couldn't decide for herself if it was the right decision to mention this to New. He doesn't want his friend to explode again.

"Yes." New acted as if it didn't affect him at all. "She's my sister." He continued. He took a glance at Namtan, who didn't respond to him. She was frozen with her mouth open.

"WHAAT?!?" She yelled. New covered his ears as he rolled his eyes at her. If it was not her, she would be kissing the ground. "Is this a novel or something?! How the heck was it your sister?!" She reacted.

New smiled bitterly, "I can't do anything about it." He shrugged. It's kind of shocking, but to him, it doesn't surprise him at all. He knew for a long time that Tay liked Bella, but he never expected that Bella would return his feelings after a few years passed. To be exact, New was confident that Bella wouldn't like Tay back because he was just a kid. Little did he know, Tay wouldn't stay a kid.

"If only I knew, I wouldn't let an outsider come with us," Namtan said.

New chuckled. "That includes Mix and Earth, stupid. Besides, we have all already agreed. It would be suspicious if we suddenly decided not to let Bella come. Think about Tay's feelings."

"Woah, why do you sound mature now?" Namtan shivered as he looked at the young man beside him.

"Because I am!"

They both laugh. Namtan sighed, "What's your plan now?" She asked.

"Honestly, I don't know. I have no idea how to keep up with Tay and make Bella disappear." New answers

"What about finding something to do before the trip?"

"Yeah, like finding out Off's secret," New said.

"You mean about him dating Gun?" Namtan asked. New nodded in response. "Why not ask him?"

"Didn't you hear what he said? He's not ready."

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