"But why would she?" Fatima asked with a bewildered expression.

Chortling uneasily, Sa'eeda said, "she's afraid I might spill the beans. Which is exactly what I'm going to do."

"Huh?" Aisha's forehead wrinkled and Fatima tensed up.

"Relax, nothing bad actually." Sa'eeda was suddenly feeling guilty of why she tried to tell them.

"You've already started saying so don't try to bottle anything up." Aisha deadpanned and Sa'eeda raised a brow. "I can see right through you." Aisha added.

"Sister is pregnant." Sa'eeda blurted and instantly regretted. She should've looked for something to say instead of that, she thought.

"What?" Aisha exclaimed on top of her voice while Fatima let out a knowing smile.

"Remember when the doctor told Muslim to stay behind? I guess she told him about it." Sa'eeda blabbered.

"Yes and the expression on his face was that priceless when he came in. I guess that was what they were whispering." Aisha spiced up. She couldn't hold her joy as she burst into fits of laughter as though someone said something funny.

"As for now I don't want them to know that I've told you. I shouldn't have." Sa'eeda said and pursed her lips to a thin line.

"It's perfectly okay, it's a good thing that you let me know. I'll deal with the rest." Fatima said and gave her a heartwarming smile to which she smiled back.


Jasmine's car rolled into a compound, she parked, unfastened her seatbelt and alighted. Looking at the familiar vicinity, she heaved a sigh of stress and traipsed inside. She knocked and turned the doorknob then entered as she wished peace upon the occupants of the house, or rather, occupant.

She was dressed in a cyan gown with touches of silver, she wrapped a darker shade of cyan veil around her face, she held a clutch bag that contained her phone and other stuffs that she might need. Her feet were clasped in glittery sliver pumps.

"Look who we have here. I thought you've abandoned your mission when you stopped coming and your line stopped going through only for me to receive a call from you this morning. Tell me, what's the matter now." Sulaiman, a brother to Hafsat, Jasmine's best friend, said as he flashed her a smile. He had been expecting her arrival since an hour ago.

"I'm so sorry." She said as she ensconced herself on the nearby couch, where she could be facing him. "I thought that things were normal for good that I started being comfortable with him. So I threw away all other plans and decided to live life the way it comes to me but no, things are out of hand and there's nothing left for me to do." She said with a heavy heart.

"Things can't be out of hand, we can still go ahead with the divorce as you requested. Unless you want to live with him for the rest of your life." He talked, professionally and flicked his slender pointed nose.

"If I file for divorce, all hell will break lose now that I'm about six weeks pregnant with his child." She finally said, without thinking. His heart clutched but he had to pretend.

"How could you let that happen?" He said and maintained his nonchalance. He chuckled and continued, "nothing will happen, I have a panacea to every problem that you may have, besides, my heart revolves around you." Jasmine let out a forced smile, not knowing what he meant by his last statement.

"Barrister, the thing is.."

"Sulaiman." He interrupted.

"Sulaiman the thing is I don't want anything that is going to link me to him after the divorce. And it seems like the baby would." She said and bit her lower lip.

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