What are you? (Harry)

Start from the beginning

He grabbed both of my wrists and handcuffed them together, before handcuffing them to the handle on a drawer in the kitchen. He bustled around, preparing food. Once he was done he sat down in front of me, and because my hands were cuffed, he began feeding me. The food was good, like really good. 

Once I was done, he undid the handcuff connecting me to the and when I tried to stand, my legs collapsed from under me. He caught me as I fell. I looked up into his eyes, and he looked at me apologetically. "Sorry, I had to give you something, so you won't run" I began to cry again, so he carried me out to the couch and sat down, me on his lap. I snuggled into him as much as I could, craving warmth, not thinking about what he was, or that he had kidnapped me. I shivered and he draped a blanket over me. The door opened and I recognized Simon Cowell as soon as he walked in. The boys looked up and grinned, Louis yelling out, "Uncle Simon". He laughed and gave them all hugs, except for Harry, who was still cradling me into his chest. 'And who is this?" Asked Simon. "A friend of ours" Harry replied smoothly. 

Simon didn't seem to find anything up, and I begged silently for him to save me, but I felt myself getting weaker and I soon fell asleep into Harry's chest.

I woke up back on the bunk, but my hand wasn't handcuffed anymore. I figured out why a few moments later when I realized I couldn't move my legs, so I just had to lie there until someone came in. Liam was the first one to come in, and he called out for Harry. Everyone seemed to refer to Harry when it came to me, like he owned me. Harry came in, and awkwardly, helped me change into different clothes. 

He then carried me out, and sat me with the boys, all of which were sitting around the dining table. "We have decided to give you three days to decide, weather you want to be changed, or killed, keeping you as a prisoner is no longer possible because of Simon" Liam stated. I gulped, "If I did choose to be saved, how does it work?" This was the part I was most scared about, would it hurt?

"Well, that’s the tricky part, because, when a vampire is created if they have only a single creator, that creator holds immense power over the new vampire, so we created a way to have multiple creators, with me so far?" I nodded, slightly confused, but I understood enough. "Well, we would, if the five of us were to be your creators, we would each drink an amount of your blood, all of us at the same time, without releasing our venom, which would hurt. Then we each inject you with our blood, which will make its way through your bloodstream and make the transformation. That takes approximately three days." I nodded, "Okay, change me" I didn't want to die, no matter how much this would hurt, I didn't want to die.

Harry pulled out his phone, explaining to someone that they were taking a one week break before there next concert. He then directed the bus driver to a secret location. On the way, he took me back to the bedroom so I could get some sleep. He laid me down, and then went back out to the boys. I could hear them talking, and it scared me. "Do you think we should tell her there is only a 50% survival rate for those who attempt to change?” 50% death rate, that's not good odds. "Nah" Someone replied, "She's going to die if she doesn't try so, either way.

I fell asleep after that, and woke up as Harry carried me into the forest, to a house far away from anywhere. I knew this would be because I would scream. I was taken to a room in the basement, a room reinforced with metal bars. There were no windows, and a heavy metal door. I looked questioningly at Harry. "When you wake up, you are going to have severe bloodlust, so we will keep you here for a couple of days, with constant amounts of donor blood, we never kill people, just take small amounts, and then you will hopefully be safe for society" I nodded. "You will be angry though, you will try and kill us if you can, but being a new vampire, you won't be as strong as us, so we will be fine" I nodded and he laid me down on the metal bed in the middle of the room.

He then proceeded to strap my head, arms, legs and torso down, effectively immobilizing me. I knew that once I changed these wouldn't hold me, and were simply to stop me squirming. Harry left, and soon came back with all of the boys, each of which was carrying a syringe filled with a gold liquid. Vampire blood.

They asked me if I was ready one last time. Then Harry leaned down and bit into my neck, causing me to scream out in pain. He stopped drinking for a second to carefully push my mouth closed with his hand. Then Liam came over and dug his teeth into my leg. Niall and Louis each attached themselves to an arm each, and then finally Zayn came over and sunk his fangs into my other leg. I was screaming still, trying thrash around but being held down by the straps and the boys. 

I felt my strength waning but the pain kept me awake. Harry broke away first and gestured to the others to stop. They each grabbed their needle and injected me at the same time. At first it brought relief from the pain, but then it felt like fire was burning through my veins. It carried on for three days, and then I opened my eyes to my new life.

It was just like Harry had said, I was crazy with bloodlust. I tried to kill Zayn, but he managed to restrain me long enough to get out. It has been three weeks since the transformation and I am now on tour with the boys, posing as Harry's childhood friend.

I have been getting very strong feelings towards Harry, and we had both stolen a few kisses. 

Then he took me out for ice cream, we could still eat human food, and he asked me to be his girlfriend. We announced it later that week.

The moment that I peeked around the corner of that alley was the best moment of my life, because that was when my life began.

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