"You're just saying that cause if you let it happen, it'll get ya fired" Axel jeered back, smiling at the two familiar faces. Will shrugged in response, not denying it at. He turned to look at Auroras peeping head and smiled softly at her, his eyes then turning to the figure guarding her from his eyes. Synns eyes hardened when he watched as Will sussed him out, head to toe, but didn't give anything away about what he was thinking. Scott stepped further into the room to come just behind Will, doing the same assessment as him.

"Will, Scott, this is Beua Parker, Auroras bodyguard" Atlas spoke up, sensing the quiet showdown between the dominant males. Wills shoulders relaxed a little, but Scott's didn't. Will reached his hand out towards Synn, in which he took in a firm grasp.

"Nice to meet you" Will said kindly. Synn simply nodded in response. He had yet to be told who they are exactly. I mean, yeah, they're Will and Scott, but who the fuck are Will and Scott.

"Will and Scott are two of Levis most trusted bodyguards" Atlas continued. Synns eyes glanced towards Atlas at his words, unable to help the sheer jealousy he felt. He knew he was simply being childish however, so he didn't let it show.

"Well I've replaced you, sorry huns! You can still work for Axel and Atlas though" Aurora piped up, hopping down from the counter. It was now her turn to stand in front of Synn, trying to guard him like he did her, but it just didn't have the same effect. Synn looked down at her and a warm feeling hit his chest. He glanced back up though as quickly as he felt it and seen Scott and Will looking at Aurora with soft smiles.

"Nice to see you've all been acquainted, but I think we have better matters to discuss" Levi announced as he entered the room. He walked around the counter and leaned against it. Isaac and Elijah followed him in, it being clear that this was now a meeting.

"Honeslty I don't think there's much to discuss. I think we should be celebrating that another little bollox is dead" Elijah shrugged, sitting up on the counter beside where Synn and Aurora stood. Elijah looked down at Aurora through the side of his eye, seeing the way her body slightly rocked back and forth, hitting Synns chest every so often. Synns expression remained stoic however, as he glanced at him, seemingly unfazed.

"We'll get to that" Levi replied, smirking slightly at him. "But we need to make sure we won't get dragged into it, cause at the moment, we don't know what happened. Atlas, what was said at that assembly today?" Levi questioned. Atlas obliged and told them all what was said, which wasn't much use to them.

"We're hardly gonna be dragged into this. I mean, if anything we're probably in the same side as the guy that killed Jace. He was part of the Knights gang and I think we made it pretty clear that we no longer work with them" Axel responded, a satisfied smirk on his face. Levi pursed his lips and looked towards Aurora who had her head down.

"Beau, take Aurora on a walk" Levi suddenly ordered. Synn looked up as he too was looking down at Auroras quiet demeanour. He nodded understandingly and gently placed his hand on the bottom of her back to guide her out of the room.

"What am I? A dog?" Aurora grumbled, looking back up at Synn as they walked out of the room. Levi rolled his eyes as he over heard it, while Elijah and Axel snorted.

"Do you think it was that Punisher guy?" Isaac asked once the two were out of sight. Levi pursed his lips and shook his head.

"Thats what I was thinking, but nothing has been released about how he died or his state when the found him. Which is why we need to do research, see if a number was found on his body" Levi replied. Axel frowned thoughtfully.

"That guys been pretty quiet lately. We haven't heard of anymore murders of his" He said. Everyone hummed in agreement. Alaric tensed a little, knowing why he had been so quiet. Little did they all know they had him living under their roof. Alaric still had other questions of his own, like who the fuck was Synns boss. He wondered could he have something to do with it, but a part of him knew he was just growing paranoid.

"What if...what if it was Antonio?" Isaac asked. Everyone shot their head towards him for even speaking his name.

"Hardly. What would he want with Jace Matthews?" Axel scoffed.

"Well he was working with Sebastian Knight, and Jace was a part of that gang too" Isaac explained. Levi remained quiet as his head spun, until everything he perked up.

"Beau told us Jace was very keen on Aurora. He kept trying to speak to her, but during their last encounter, he told Synn to watch her" Levi voiced his deafening thoughts to the group who listened tentively. "Maybe he wasn't supposed to say that" Levi continued, hoping they were all catching on. Unfortunately, they all understood what he was hinting at.

"Hes not gonna stop this time" Elijah said, voicing what they were all thinking. They made him angry over thirteen years ago, and that anger has only grown. None of them wanted to admit it, buy they were slightly scared. All they knew for sure was that he was still alive and had been working with the Knights gang. They knew nothing else, apart from their own suspicions, but those suspicions were killing them.

"Well we don't even know for definite if he's still alive. I'm not taking Sebastians word for real unless I see the bollox with my own two eyes" Axel bit out harshly.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, causing a few of them to jump. Atlas got up from his seat, announcing that he'd get it. Everyone stayed quiet, waiting to hear the voice of who was behind the door, but as Atlas opened the door they heard no voice. They waited, but nothing. Then they heard the door slam shut. They all frowned, looking at eachother before leaving the kitchen and heading to the entry way.

Levi entered first, halting in his footsteps as he looked at the scene in front of him. Atlas stood still, his back to them all. He slowly turned around and Levis face paled. A knife was wedged into his shoulder with something else sticking out. His blue t-shirt was quickly turning a crimson red. Atlas looked at Levi with a flat expression before he fell back and hit the ground. Axel let out a shout and lunged to catch him. Isaac followed, kneeling down beside them and soon everyone was gathered trying to tend to Atlas. They all remained calm, with this being something that has happened numerous times, however they couldn't help but be a little more frantic than usual as it was so unexpected. Axel was definitely frantic.

"What's going on?" Auroras voice sounded from the top of the stairs. Synn was behind her, also wondering what the commotion was. Aurora began to slowly descend it, Synn close behind her, but once she caught a glimpse of Atlas's figure on the ground, she gasped and raced down the stairs to kneel beside him. Isaac was shouting orders at everyone when Alaric knelt down and plucked the piece of card that the knife was wedged too. He stood up and held the card looking down at it. Levi came to stand beside him also, looking down at it too. Soon everyone stopped, besides Isaac who was tending to the wound, to look at the little fucking bloody card in Alaircs hands. Synn paled when he seen it, stopping on the last few steps on the stairs as he glared at the all to familiar Death card.

"I think we jinxed it" Alaric mumbled flatly. Levis shoulders sagged in exhaustion of what was to come for them all. Alaric looked up at Synn, the question shining as clear as day in his eyes. Synn knew what he was wondering and he subtly shook his head. If Synn didn't send that warning, then only they knew who did.

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