Chapter - 95 | Topsy - Turvy

Start from the beginning

Anokhi's trio friend had a gut feeling that some kind of "ATTATCHMENT" was definitely stirring up within them.

The trio had no idea why, but it made them feel surprisingly accepting of what their eyes were seeing.

Shaurya and Anokhi "together" were an unexpectedly pleasant sight for them to witness.

Shaurya continued to gently press the ice pack against her hand while cleaning the swollen area with his hanky. He hated having to do that. To see her tender hand covered in blisters which was meant for holding the pen. The pen to write the "right". The hand, which was for his Princess to receive "caress". To obtain "love". To be "embraced" by it. However, he had no choice but to carry it out.

Imagining the pain she must be enduring right now made him squirm from within. It bothered him. Deeply.

When he was done with it, he knew it was time to apply the ointment. He looked at Kitty and signaled with his eyes for her to hold the hanky and ice pack. She got it and did it while handing him the ointment and taking back the ice pack.

He took the tube, squeezed out the gel, and poured some on his finger before spreading it on Anokhi's hand when her words stopped him.

"Aap rehne deejiye..." A frail voice raised itself.

"M... Main kar loongi..." Reclaiming her hand from his, Anokhi looked away.

She did object this time, though she wasn't sure why she didn't the last time.

"Chup - chaap khadi rho..." Came the cold reply straight away.

With a frown on her face, she looked at him. What exactly is he ?

What was the point of showing concern for her when he eventually had to turn cold-hearted again...

Shaurya didn't wait for her to say anything else and began his work. He gingerly began spreading the gel all over the burnt skin. Meanwhile, Anokhi just stared at him, unable to fathom the motive behind his actions. He was holding her hand with utmost care. It didn't feel insensitive to her, nor did it feel uncomfortable. 

Mimi, who was teary-eyed, had somewhat calmed down a little after seeing that her Laddoo was doing some "magic" on her Mumma's hand. She was just innocently observing and waiting for when the magic would end and her Momma would recover.

Reema stepped forward and took little Mimi in her arms. The little girl crying for her Momma's injury was so heart-breaking for her as well as for 'em all. Mimi clung to her Chikki Mauchhi, while Kitty and Bebo approached and caressed her back and hair, respectively.

While Shaurya continued to work meticulously, taking his time, his sisters faintly smiled as they watched what was taking place in front of them. They had never expected to see this. Their Bhaiya tending to their friend's burns was something they hadn't anticipated to see. Whatever they witnessed today will now stay with them in their memories for a long time. They had a feeling something more unexpected was on the horizon.

"SHAURYA !..."

Suddenly, everyone was jolted by the sharp exclamation.

The voice startled Anokhi and as soon as she got to see the person, she spontaneously released her hand from his grip. Shaurya's fingers reflexively loosened their hold as soon as he realized who the speaker was.

Devi walked through there, furiously, and stood before Anokhi and Shaurya.

She was burning. Burning with ferocious rage.

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