Chapter 46 - Dare

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Preston's POV

Classes zoomed by mostly because the boys were joking around all morning. Why do I have a bad feeling about Friday? Like a really bad feeling. Eh, I'm probably just crazy or something. Lachlan was hard at work, planing "the party of the year". So during all of classes Lachlan was calling DJs, caterers and other party people he knew.


Students and teachers went to power walked their way to the lunch room. The pack waited for everyone to leave the classroom, so that we could walk together. I grabbed my backpack and followed everyone out the door.

The pack were joking around, causing banter between everyone. Rob laced his fingers through mine, loosely. I locked our fingers together and contiuned walking to the lunch room with everyone. I wonder how everyone would react if we told them we're dating. They shouldn't mind, I mean Vikklan is already a thing and from what happened this morning Merome is a for sure thing.

I bet the fangirls would faint if they found out that Merome, Vikklan, and Poofless are canon. Hell, I wouldn't blame them. It's not everyday that ships are actually in a relationship.

We reached the hall way door and was welcomed with a hot colored banner reading.


Oh, no.

"BOYS, BOYS, BOYS!" Mitch ran over to the counter and threw chips at everyone.

I caught the bag of chips, suddenly remembered why no one eats chips in front of Mitch any more.

**** The Chip Memory ****

The bass in the music was bumping as bodies moved to the groove. Speakers were at full volume as everyone stumbled to the cheap Florida motel pool.

Neon lights were going in and out in the light blue water. People dove in to the pool and were playing chicken.

"Aye Mitch!" Vikk pushed Mitch and the pool and threw a small bag of chips in him.

"I dare you to jack off in the bag of chips!"

Everyone was drunk off of adrenaline and sugar. Senoirs were drinking and smoking all around the entrance of the pool. Everyone was having the time of their lives. It's like every party Lachlan throws, he tops them each time.

"Sure thing mate!"

Mitch without any hesitation popped open the bag and shoved his length inside. The boys were cheering him on, pushing him to go faster. After about a couple minutes, Mitch let out a strong willed moan and released his seed into the bag.

Mitch closed the bag and threw the filled bag at the members of the pack.

"There ya go! Enjoy it all!"

The bag opened up, and Mitch's seed flong all over the boys. Bits of chips were mixed in with the white stained semen.

"What the fuck?!" Everyone jumped in the water, hurriedly trying to get Mitch's sprem cells off of them. Mitch was crackling up laughing, while everyone else was trying to get the sticky liquid off of their bodies.

Somebody threw the bag towards me and the bag landed on my head, while my head in the bag!

"Get it off me! GET IT OFF ME!"

The sticky substance was wetting my hair as I started to drip down my face.

My arms quickly tore the bag off of me, but was already too late. The bag landed at the corner of the hot tub.


I started splashed my hair to somewhat get it clean.


"Dude It looks like Mitch came all over your hair!"

**** End of The Chip Memory ****

I threw the bag of chips back at Mitch, everyone else followed my actions and threw their bags at him.

Rob chucked his at Mitch's face.

"I will not get your cum on me again Mitch!"

A/N: ;)


A Thing Called Love (Poofless)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें