Chapter 26 - Just Be Mine Already

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Rob's POV

***Warning! Kinda smutty but not really :P ****

This is all his fault. If he wouldn't have bounced on my lap, none of this wouldn't have happened. Preston's breathing was un even as I pulled him deeper into my lap. His too cute for his own good. He hasn't backed away yet, I wonder how much I could get away with? I slowly slid my hands under his shirt, his tummy was so warm against my hands.

Preston started to look around the boys, nope I want, no need all of your attention. The bump in my pants are proof. Preston's glance ended quickly as I ran my hands up and down his sides. Preston bounced each and every time my hands went up and down meeting my prick. God lord, just be mine already.

To be even bolder, I placed ice cold kisses on the bottom half of his already heated neck. My mind was turning fuzzy from all of the friction between us. You're turning me into a horny wolf Preston. I gently went higher up his shirt and glazed over his hardened nipples, swiping them right and left.

He wasn't moaning but he really wanted to, I bet that if we were alone his voice would be all over the place. Not that I would mind, to hear his sweet tender voice moaning and groaning. His eyes were closed sucking in air and barely breathing it out.

I grabbed a hold of his sides and bounced him on top of my tent. I'm shocked that no one noticed us basically dry humping, but I don't care about that right now all I care about is Preston at the moment.

I moved my lips from his neck and nibbled on his ear lobe, I glanced up to see only us in the lunch room. Awe Preston baby, we're going to be late for class.

I whispered in his ear. "You should calm down Preston." I almost said baby but that would have sent him way over the edge.

"Shut up." Looks, like someones a bit upset that we didn't finish.

**** Kinda Smut is Over *****

My hands left his shirt as I lifted him off my lap. I didn't want him to get off but class started ten minutes ago. I ruffed up his hair because he gave me a small whimper, he seemed to do it involuntarily.

"We're going to be late for class." Preston looked around are the lunch room noticing that no one was here but us. I don't blame him it seemed like it was only us.

"Come on Preston, I couldn't have dazed you that bad." Preston got up from the lunch chair and fixed his pants. Looks like someone got a little happy "down there" okay maybe a lot happy.

Preston walked up to me and kissed me on the forehead. I felt a blush rise in my cheeks because of his gentle gesture.

"You're right, but don't you for a second think we're done here."

He walked off to his last class leaving me with my thoughts.

I quickly went the opposite way and walked into my last class. The teacher didn't even notice that I was late and continued with the lesson. But all I could thing about was the events that just occurred.


A/N: xD That last sentence though xD


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