Chapter 40 - Soft Snoores

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Preston's POV

Rob was so proud of me, hell I was proud of me. I finally defeated the rocks on my shoulders, the man who made my life so grey. I held Rob's hand and made our way inside my house. The house felt eerie and cold, kinda like fall stained glass. I locked the door behind us and pulled Rob into my bedroom. I flicked the light switch on and gently closed the door behind us.

Robert dived into my bed and borrowed himself in the covers and pillows. Walking over to my grey painted closet and pulled out some pjama's. Yelling and raging at someone really takes a toll on your energy and strength. I found an old Soul Eater t-shirt and some fuzzy black PJ pants.

I walked over to my bathroom and got ready to do homework. I literally have about two hours in work. Can't I just spend all my time cuddling the Rob in my bed? After I got dressed in some comfy clothes I grabbed my backpack and dumped all the the worksheets on my black stained desk.

Soft snores were being born from my bed, as I looked over a see a sleeping Woofless. I tipped toed over to him and kissed his forehead. His been so supportive these past couple of days, the pack doesn't really know about Dave. I'm not sure why, I didn't tell them. Maybe because I had a strong sense of the trust with Rob, since I met him first and didn't meet the pack members till about a week or two after I met Rob. I still trust all of them with my life though.

I went back to my desk and began working the massive stack of papers cluttering my desk. Before I could even pick up the pencil and search for the answers online a picture of Mitch's face popped up on Skype, I answered the baka. Homework can wait, it's not like I'm procrasinationg or anything. Psh no!

"Hey Preston, so um something came up."

"What is it."

"MITCH SUCK THIS DI-" I heard Jerome yell in the background

"Jerome and I are dating!" He quickly said, cutting of Jerome and casting a look over the computer, probably to send Jerome a glare. It's not like I'm surprised I knew they would get together eventually, they flirted together all the time. They played it off as innocent banter though, but I saw through those plastic walls.

"Congratulations dude, tell me about it tomorrow because I have a ship load of home work and studying to do." (A/N: Yes, I meant ship)

"Mkay, good luck my friend!"

I ended the Skype call and stared to tackle the work ahead of me. I heard a soft whimper coming from Rob. I looked back to see him moving a little. I turned back to my school work and textbooks. I wonder what his dreaming about?

A/N: I'm sleepy, like always -__-

( P.S. Thanks for Reading :) )


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