Chapter 21 - Comforting Him

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Rob's POV

I had to get out of there. You could literally cut the tension with a diamond sword, maybe even a iron one. I walked into my next class that I had with the pack .The pack was sitting on the floor screwing around with Brandon. Great I have this class with him too. Students were in groups of seven and working on a paper. I grabbed an asignment worksheet and sat down next to Brandon he smiled at me when I sat next to him.

Preston walked into the class looking kinda pissed off. What did Braondn and Preston talk about that mad him upset? Maybe I should have waited a little because I did kinda just zoom out of the classroom.

Brandon was introduced himself to the pack but I wasn't really listening. I looked over to my right and saw Preston working on the worksheet. I should probably work on the assignment too.

"What was the name of the French explorer who traveled through America in a total of 365 days?" Shot, I have no clue plus my mom and dad were from Canda and talked in French around me all the time when I was little. I skipped the.

"Click" I looked over to my right to see Brandon playing with his pen.


"Click" Um..Brandon I would stop that, it's Preston's pet pev and I'm pretty sure he already doesn't like you.


"Click" Brandon theres a 98% your'e going to get yourself killed by Preston if you clack again.

"Clack" Preston quickly looked at Brandon and took his pen. He put it on the ground before he went back to working.

"Geez Preston, who pissed in your cereal this morning?" Ew. Mitch wasing working, he was making a paper plane out of his paper. Eh, I'm not surprised though, Mitch screws around and some how gets an A in the class. Probably because of the Vikk. The boys and Brandon were bantering, asking Brandon questions. I'm going to do something that I hope doesn't freak him out. I reached over and put my hand on top of his. Please don't freak out Preston, but I want your mood to be as happy as It was this morning. I looked over at him and his shulders seemed to be relived of stress. Good, because when Preston's gets pissed off. I'm not going to lie It's kinda sexy. Hold up Rob calm down, you just realzied your feelings don't rush it.

I should probably work on the assignment, Preston handed me his worksheet to get information off of. Thanks dude. I sent him a smile of gratitude and he smiled back. I worked off of his worksheet and began to finish the paper. I felt a pair of eyes looking at me. I pecked over to my right and saw Preston staring at me. He isn't really staring at me, but his staring at my body.

Preston what are you looking at? I followed his eyes and saw him looking "down there" His eyes had species of lust in them, but he turned away. Sometimes I just want to get in that cute head of his and read his mind. Wait, hold up. Why was Preston looking at my package? Maybe just maybe Preston feels the same way I do?

A/N: Yes two chapters in a day because I have no life -____-


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