Chapter 33 - Caged Heart

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Preston's POV

Netflix was background noise, compared to the uneven thumping in my chest. A pin could drop and be heard 2,000 feet away, It was that quiet in my mind. I fucked up, I really fucked up haven't I? My ribs were trying to cage my heart in, from bleeding all over the place. I should go now, I don't want to hear the rejection. I don't want to embarrass myself any more.

"Yes." Rob wants me to go, he said yes.

Rob leaned up and kissed my cheek. "A thousand times yes!" Wait, did he say Yes?! My face picked up as Rob's words repeated in my brain. He agreed to be my boyfriend. I felt my chest go down with relief. Thank the Minecraft gods.

I looked over at Rob to see him giving me a sappy smile. Let's do something cheeky, something really cheeky. I scooted closer to Rob and he did the same. Our foreheads were pressed together.

"Hey Rob?" I hovered my lips over his full kissable pink lips. Should I? I really want to. This is kinda a special moment too. Robert eyes started to look down at my lips. So he wants to kiss me too?

"Yeah Preston?" He glanced back up to looking my eyes again. His eyes were full of excitement and hope, with a tad bit of goofiness.

My lips moved a little bit closer to his. I pulled my hands up to hold his face, the five o'clock shadow glazed my palms. Gently pricking my fingers. We both want this, it's obvious. Before I could kiss him, Rob leaned in first and kissed me. That's my woof.

Our kiss was gentle yet fierce at the same time. I've wanted this for so long, Rob has too from the looks of it. Rob's tongue slipped in next to mine as the kiss heated up. His lips were so soft and warm. Is this what passion feels like? If so, I want to keep this feeling to last forever. His touch is the sugar in my Cheerios, The ice cream in my root beer float, and the whipped cream on swirled on top of my strawberry.

We both pulled away slowly, keeping our forehead together. Butterflies were being born in my stomach with every breath I inhaled. Rob peeked my lips, sending me into his trance. I'm going to get addicted know aren't I?

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that Preston."

"Well sir, why don't we do it again?"

A/N: Man, you guys sure didn't like the cliff hanger I left yesterday xD

(P.S Let me know what you think of the new cover please :3)


A Thing Called Love (Poofless)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora