Chapter 41 - The Nightmare

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Rob's POV

Cracks of thunder were whipping the already soggy ground. The thunder was a blue color with a violet neon tint. My feet were hitting the ground with so much force and speed trying to make it to Preston's house.

My phone was vibrating with missed calls, voice mails, and texts from friends and family. The sky was full of dark clouds, as dark as the deepest black. Rain started to pour out of the large clouds making the wheater even more cold.

My clothes were clinging to my body from all the moisture it was absorbing. The shoes on my feet were bringing my speed down. The weren't shoes anymore they were soggy pieces of cloth stitched to together with rain stained shoelaces.

A crack of thouder hit behind me making me slip on the muddy puddles on the street. Please tell me his okay, he has to be okay! The brown locks of hair on my head with glued to my face.

I looked over and saw Preston's house in view. All of a sudden the street lights cut out, along with anyother light source in the neighboorhood.

Leaving the neighborhood in a frenzy of grey and black darkness.

I woke up with a pair of arms around my waist. Preston was snuggled up next to me and burrowing himself in my neck. Soft breathing was heating up my neck from the cold sweat plastered on it.

What was that dream? Actually it wasn't a dream it was more of a nightmare. Preston moved closer to me, embracing me with body. What time is it? I glanced over at his digital clock and read 6:00 p.m. Geez how long have we've been sleeping?

My phone lit up indicating I had a text message. I reached over and grabbed my phone. My mom said I had to come home around nine or eight. I put my phone back and cuddled aginast the sleeping lava mob. My eyelids fell on their on as I drifted away in to a dreamless sleep. Leaving me questioning what that dream was about.

A/N: O.o I wonder what was Rob's dream about?


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