Chapter 6 - Single Mother

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Preston's POV (A/N: WHOA! Two chapters in a day?! I'm on a roll Cx)

I checked my phone and realized Rob's going to be at my house in around forty five minutes. I should probably go home now. Plus I have to order that pizza and stuff. I finished my coffee and walked out of the café. I made my way to my house and locked the door, pulled out my phone a ordered a pizza with pepperoni and bread sticks. Walking into the kitchen and I pulled out two water bottles and two plates. There was a note on the counter.

"Had to work late sorry sweetie, feel free to invite your friends over. I should be back late tonight or early in the morning" XOXO - Mom

I signed, mom has been working late to pay the bills ever since we moved from Texas.

******Flashback to 7th Grade (5 years ago)********

I've been hearing arguing for days now, probably weeks on end by now. The same thing would happen everyday. David would come home drunk, Mom would get mad, David would yell at her, Mom would curse him out, then David would leave for the rest of the night, most liking cheating on mom. I don't call him Dad anymore because he doesn't act like a dad. I heard the door slam and my mom crying. I opened my bedroom door and walked down stairs to see her crying on the couch. I walked over at my mom and hugged her, she sobbed in my chest.

"Preston, you understand what happening right?" My mom sobbed in my chest more.

"Yeah, I understand mom." Mom pulled away from me, I noticed her brown eyes weren't as bright as they used to and puffy from crying so much.

"Go upstairs and pack your bags, we're going to be staying in Arizona with your aunt for a while." Mom made her way to the kitchen and called my Aunt Alex. I went upstairs and got two suitcases. I don't know why dad would cheat on mom. I never really liked David he was always wild and didn't like how I liked video games instead of sports. While I was playing video games my dad would call me down and have me watch sports with him but I would just bring my DS down and play Pokémon. I packed graphic t-shirts and some jeans and stuff. In the other suit case I put my laptop, and gaming systems in that one. There was a knocking at my door.

"Come in." My mom came in my room and she gave me a duffle bag and two boxes.

"Here pack a few more things, we'll probably be there longer than I planned. Pack the rest of things you can't fit in some boxes, but leave behind things you don't love because the car can only fit so much."

I grabbed a bag and two boxes. Mom pulled me in a hug and I hugged her back.

"I'm sorry this is happening sweetie, I'm sorry about how you have to leave your friends on short notice and about all the things that happened."

"It's not your fault mom, it's okay." Mom and I pulled away from the hug.

"Go ahead and get some sleep bud, I need to finish calling some people and take a nap, we'll be leaving in around four hours and have a long way to go to get to Arizona on such short notice."

"Okay mom." Mom left my bedroom and left me to pack.

I finished packing and cleaned up my room, I had about two hours to sleep.

I took a nap on my bed and fell into a short sleep. Mentally preparing for a new start.

******End of Flashback*******

The front door rang, I think that's the pizza. I took out a twenty from my wallet and put a fifty on the table to put in my mom's piggy bank. I opened the door and payed the money to the man. I set the pizza on the kitchen table and grabbed the change from my pizza and the fifty. I went into my mom's room and reached into her little jewelry box where she keeps her money in case she gets jumped or something. Two dollars left after I paid the pizza, so I put the fifty two dollars in mom's jewelry box. I usually do this to try and help the bills. With me doing Youtube and school I don't really have time to really get a job until summer were I can get a small part time job. Youtube helped with the bills, and I have my subscribers to thank. I give my mom around 300 dollars in hope to help with the bills.

We don't talk about the money I give her but when she sees the money I can see the thank you in her eyes and when she hugs me.

I heard the doorbell ring, Rob-a-dob-flob is here. I walked out of my mom's bedroom and shut the door behind me, I walked up to the front to and opened it. I never did find out why David cheated on my mom, but I guess I'll leave that thought for another day.

A/N: *Claps for all the single moms out there* My mom is a single mom and it's really hard. Hopefully everyone likes the surprise two chapters today and 910 words too! Thanks for reading, leave a vote and a comment.


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