04| Birds of a Feather

Start from the beginning

Her words halted, because the familiar beep signalled that Jason had hung up.

Ivy stared down at the blank screen of her phone, and cursed, "Oh, shit."

She redialled his number again and again, but it kept getting sent straight to voicemail.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." She mumbled, and rushed back to the table where her friends sat.

They looked up at her confused, wondering why she looked so stressed, and worried.

She winced ever so slightly, but quickly told them of the situation, "So, I may or may not have accidentally let it slip that Spencer's mum is defending Garrett, and now Jason's on his way."

The girls just stared back at her, each of their mouths agape.

They had no idea what to do. And neither did she.

Jason would walk in the door in any minute, and begin yelling at Veronica in the middle of the restaurant, causing a ruckus, which would probably end in him getting kicked out.

Suddenly, the door to the Grille swung open, and in stormed Jason. He was so angry that fumes practically came out of his ears.

And Ivy realised how right her predictions were, as his eyes glared holes straight though Mrs Hastings' head.

Ivy didn't have time to jump up from her seat to stop him, before Jason had stalked over to her. "Did you really think you could avoid me forever? How could you defend Garrett?" He questioned in a yell.

Veronica glanced around the restaurant, feeling the stares from the population of the restaurant on them. She turned to Jason and tried to console him. "Let's not have this conversation here." She began.

"Oh, it doesn't bother you that he murdered my sister?!" Jason shouted in her face.

Ivy recognised that he was about to explode, so she hastily stood up from her seat, coming to join Jason's side, and slipped her hand into his.

That seemed to calm him down slightly. His shoulder's dropped, and he squeezed her hand three times.

I. Love. You.

Ivy couldn't stop the small smile from appearing on her face, and she squeezed his hand back.

I. Love. You.

"Look, I understand you're upset, but this isn't the place." Veronica pleaded. She felt uncomfortable arguing in such a public place, but Jason didn't care. He needed answers.

With Ivy rubbing small circles with her thumb, on his hand, Jason, with some calmness in his voice, he spoke, "Just tell me why you're doing it."

Veronica replied with, "Everyone deserves a competent legal defense."

Jason tilted his head in question, "You sure that's the only reason?" He raised an eyebrow.

Veronica brushed off his question, but instead advised, "Let the process play out, Jason. Focus on taking care of your family and yourself."

"Don't worry. I am." Jason turned away, breaking his hand from Ivy's hold, and stormed back out of the grille.

Ivy stared at the door, where Jason had just exited, but quickly collected her shocked self, and followed after him.

She reached Jason's side, and slid her hand back into his.

Still facing away from her, Jason squeezed her hand for a moment, before he let go, and used both hands to hang up a poster, that he had grabbed out of his bag, onto a nearby lamppost.

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