⤷twenty seven

Começar do início

   "is our conversation over now?" donghyuck asked, noticing how jaehyun put his full concentration onto the device in his hands. jaehyun nodded, "this is the part where you go talk to mark..."

   hearing that, the obedient maknae jumped up and thanked jaehyun once more before leaving their bedroom and walking down the hall to mark's. as he stood before the familiar door, he couldn't help but feel nervous. what if mark refused to talk with him or the conversation didn't go well?;;

   his hand was held up to the door awkwardly midway. he couldn't bring himself to knock. "come on, you've got this," he muttered, hyping himself up. right when he had gathered the courage to knock, a voice sounded behind him.

"what are you doing?"

   for sure, the voice could only belong to mark. donghyuck nervously sucked in a breath and spun on his heel. the slightly cold voice was matched well with a rather stern expression. since mark and donghyuck started going out, he hadn't seen that face from mark often. seeing it infront of him them made him worried. maybe confronting him had been a bad idea. maybe he shouldn't go through with the plan after all. "haha.. i suddenly forgot why i came here. i'm gonna go now," donghyuck laughed through the thick tension.

   he tried to briefly walk past the older male, but mark had other plans. he took hold of donghyuck's wrist. the feeling of mark's touch sent goosebumps all across his skin. if mark noticed them, he didn't comment on it.

   "why did you come here?" mark asked, voice tone the same as before. it's now or never, donghyuck told himself.

   "i came to talk to you...," there was a loud silence as he tried to search mark's unreadable eyes. the feeling of the ravenette's hand on his wrist was still there, making him even more nervous. "can we talk?" he asked, voice growing timid  while he nodded his head towards mark's room.

   mark seemed to debate it before agreeing and bringing donghyuck to his bedroom. memories of the past few months flooded donghyuck as he entered. be it the time mark let him sleep with him in his bed, or the time they argued before mark confessed. even memories of the night donghyuck lost his virginity flashed across his mind. everything that happened in that room seemed to have a big effect in their relationship.

   "what do you want to talk about?" mark asked, pushing the door closed behind him. the brunette figured that it was best to be straight-forward and not hold anything back. with that in mind, that's exactly what he did. 

"are you jealous?"

   seeing mark's eyes widen in surprise, donghyuck knew that he had been taken aback. but whether it was a good or bad thing, he still had no clue. "what makes you say that?" mark asked. it was frustrating to donghyuck how he couldn't tell what mark was feeling and how he himself was like an open book to mark when it came to emotions.

   he sighed, "jaehyun hyung said that you might be." after seeing mark's jaw clench at the mention of another member, donghyuck felt somewhat satisfied. at least there was some progress. "why would i be jealous?" mark crossed his arms, eyes piercing into donghyuck's. donghyuck shrugged, getting amused at the thought of teasing mark with this new kind of information that he had.

   "we share a room," donghyuck shrugged. "we can see eachother all the time, sleep in eachother's beds, and do so many other things and no one would ever know. that's why jaehyun hyung said that you might be jealous." mark rolled his eyes, "no. i'm not jealous." donghyuck stuck out his lips, "are you sure? i would be jealous if you were sharing a room with someone else though."

   mark raised his eyebrows, the sudden action confused donghyuck. mark looked so much more relaxed now as he inched over to donghyuck, backing him into a corner. "do you want to know why i'm not jealous?" he asked, breath fanning donghyuck's cheek. the younger was too surprised to speak as mark leaned in closer. "hmm?" mark asked with a sly smirk. "w-why?" donghyuck managed to get out. his cheeks were flushed and he was wondering how he happened to get himself in such a position.

   "because...," mark drawled each word as he placed a soft kiss against donghyuck's jawline, trailing kisses down his neck. "you're weak for me," he bit down softly on donghyuck tan skin, "and you're too much of a good boy to do anything with jaehyun that i wouldn't allow you to do."

   before donghyuck realized it, he was too far into the pleasure and moaned. immediately, he covered his mouth with a hand, completely and utterly embarrassed. mark took a step back and chuckled. "you're really cute, you know that?"

   donghyuck pouted, avoiding eye contact as he was still embarrassed. "this isn't how i wanted our conversation to go," he frowned with a quiet voice. mark being the whipped man that he is, couldn't help but fall soft at the sight before him.

   "come here," he waved donghyuck over who took small steps but still listened to him. mark pulled donghyuck to his chest and wrapped his arms around donghyuck's waist. the action caught the smaller male off gaurd but he enjoyed the affection nonetheless. "what was is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" mark asked against donghyuck's soft hair.

   this was it. finally donghyuck had the perfect chace to express his feelings. although reluctant, he pulled out of mark's chest while still being in his embrace. "i wish i could feel more like your boyfriend than i do now. i only feel like we're really dating when we're in private, but you're supposed to be my boyfriend all the time," he admitted shyly. "god, i sound clingy," donghyuck mumbled after a moment passed.

      the anxiety of waiting for mark's reply was slowly killing donghyuck as mark didn't do anything but rock them back and forth. when the canadian finally replied, it definitely wasn't what donghyuck was expecting. "you don't sound clingy, you sound resonable... and i'm sorry for making you feel that way."

   donghyuck decided to patiently wait for mark to continue rather than letting the silence get to him. this time when mark spoke, he pulled them away slightly so that he could look donghyuck in the eye. "i want to treat you like my boyfriend all the time, i really do. but i'm worried that it'll be too obvious in front of the other members or that i'll make a habit of it and do it on camera too."

   with those words, donghyuck began to feel guilty. he should've known that there was a perfectly explainable reason behind all of mark's actions, yet, he had to go and be annoyingly petty while bringing up something that wasn't even a big deal.

   "sorry for wasting your time, this was stupid," he said, eyes falling to floor as his cheeks heated up. "it's not," mark protested, lifting donghyuck's chin so that their eyes could meet again. "if you want, i can start acting like your boyfriend all the time, like i should've been doing since the beginning."

   donghyuck shook his head, eyes widening in panic. "no you were right about what you said earlier. we should keep it as it is now," he said. without warning, mark's lips met his and before he could even process what was happening, their lips moved against eachother slowly and passonately. when mark pulled away, he rested his forhead against donghyuck's so they could both catch their breath.

   "fuck everything," mark muttered in english before returning to korean. "let's tell them," he said. donghyuck furrowed his eyebrows and opened his eyes to look at mark who was already staring at him. "tell who what?" mark brought their lips together briefly again before smiling softly. 

"let's tell everyone that we're dating."


word count: 2054

yay finally i updated. i can't believe it's almost been two weeks since the last update

school started again and i'm in the making of becoming and exo-l so forgive me

it's 5:50 am and i have school... fml

✎ ---- dreaminghyuck⤾

teddy bear | markhyuckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora