Chapter 28 - Resolution of Strays

Comenzar desde el principio

Instantly Reginleif grabbed the sides of the yellow eyed princesses pants pulling them up forcefully putting the two extremely close to one another.

"Why are you taking off your clothes!?!" She screamed her blush only having gotten larger.

"I think the more important question is why you don't have any panties on..." Anna raised an eyebrow at Cebrail but Cebrail ignored her question and instead looked back at Reginleif with a confused expression.

"I'm about to heal her with a... how do you call it...? 'Golden Shower' I think." Cerebral responded seriously.


"All of my bodily fluids are holy water, so I can heal anything not weak to holy powers just by using my saliva and stuff." Cebrail let go of her shorts before continuing. "You seemed against me using my spit so I'll just use something else."

"Can't you just use your Sacred Gear?"

"I'm not a doctor, most of her bones are broken and my ability isn't inversing things. So making something go from 'broken' to 'unbroken' will take more practice." She then points to Kojika whose breathing was clearly slowing down. "Also she's probably around thirty seconds from death."

"Nghhh..." Reginleif couldn't argue since Cebrail was probably right.

"Why don't you just put spit on your finger and then put it in her mouth?" Tosca asked.

Cebrail frowned and grumbled out, "That's so dirty though..."

All three of the other girls stared at her with a confused expression on their face which she didn't even seem to pay any mind to.

With a begrudging look on her face she bit the bullet and put her finger in her mouth before plunging it into Kojika's own.

"B-Buffy, we s-should leave!" Tibbi came out of hiding and hovered near Buffy, flapping her wings rhythmically in stark contrast to the panicked expression on her face.

"These guys are our only leads to the kid the boss wants us to find..." Buffy was hesitant, Werewolves much like vampires had a great deal of pride though it was as warriors not as monsters, they didn't run from fights very often. He had also been given a task by the big boss making running away especially shameful. However he knew he likely couldn't beat Cebrail in a straight on fight especially with the added information about her bodily fluids being holy water. If he slashed her with his claws her blood would damage him and if he bit her her blood would poison him, likely leading to an extraordinarily painful death with all of his insides melted like candle wax.

Luckily for him an out came in the form of Gumi who had exited the abandoned factory.

"Enough of your pedophilia Buffy it's time for us to go." Gumi stated with her arms crossed under her sizable breasts.

"What? How am I a pedophile?!?!?"

"Isn't it obvious? The moment that pretty white haired LITTLE GIRL showed up you've been basically awestruck. It's obvious you did that disgusting Werewolf thing, 'imprinting' or whatever." Gumi had been watching everything from a window and did not like what she had seen at all.

"I told you those Twilight books are bullsh*t! Shut up about them you-"

"The big boss struck a deal with Odin so we are no longer going after the next Red Dragon Emperor." Gumi seemed annoyed by this conclusion as she glared away from her two companions with a small frown.

"Huh? So we don't need to look for the kid anymore?"

"Did you not hear me the first time you bumbling buffoon?"

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