07. Still Devilishly Handsome.

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Today is the Day, Jimin is going to start working in Jeon's Broadband Phone Company as Jeon Jungkook's secretary, And he is nervous.

How will he face him again. After years.

He didn't sleep last night at all, not even a blink, he is thinking so many things and now his brain is going to explode because of headache. He has a feeling in his heart that he wants to ignore. He is not thinking about the past, he don't want to think about it, he is already so much stressed. But why he's is scared or nervous? He had done nothing wrong! He had not betrayed! He had not lied. Right? Then why? He doesn't need to be nervous or sacred! It's just that He doesn't want to go through the same pain again. He still hasn't forgotten anything. He remembers everything. The wound is still fresh in his heart. He is still angry and hate everyone.

But now it's time when he has to be strong for himself. He doesn't want to be stuck in the past. He wants to move on. He will go there and just do his job and without care for anyone.

Yess, He can do this.

With these thoughts he got up from the bed to gets ready for a new beginning.


As a Jeon heir, Jungkook has many advantages, he was living a luxurious lifestyle everyone can dream for, he has everything, Well maybe not everything, but if we count, his luxurious apartment building, his every new model cars BMW, Audi, Lamborghini, his clothes collection from Louis Vuitton, and the list goes on, he is fucking rich from top to bottom, he can have anything or anyone he want, but he doesn't want anyone his heart is craving only for Park Jimin, who is out of his reach for now, but he got a chance, didn't he. He will make sure to make him his again.

He is ready to go to his company, wearing his luxury suit, checking himself in the mirror again and again walking back forth in the room. he is scared and nervous, what if Jimin denied to work with him, what if he didn't want to see his face anymore, so many what ifs. In guts is twisting in his stomach every now and then. Even though there's also excitement, he is also excited to see Jimin again from up close. He remembered his every feature, how beautiful he is.

"Jungkook Stop checking yourself in the mirror it's not your wedding and please stop running here and there". Namjoon scolded the younger, Who is acting like a child.

"Hyung you don't understand how nervous I am". Jungkook whined infront of namjoon who is sitting on couch in jungkook's room from 3 hours and watching the younger's behaviour.

Jungkook called namjoon at 4:00 am, and just told him to 'come quickly please I need your help', both namjin's couple got worried they thought something might happened with the younger and immediately left for the younger's apartment. when they arrived they saw, jungkook Who is ready from top to bottom doing dialogue practices in front of mirror and jin was about to call the ambulance for jungkook to send him mental asylum, but namjoon Stop him before he dial any number, By the devil and all his fucking demons, who calls at 4:00 am and being all ready. Is he lost his brain cells? After jin smacked him 2 times hard he left from there to his house.

"Yes nervous, you are telling me one thing from 3 fucking hours that you are nervous". Namjoon said.

"Because I am". Jungkook said as he checked himself in the mirror again and wearing his watch.

"Why?" Namjoon asked sleepy as he leaned back on the couch.

"You know everything! What if Jimin don't want to work with me? What if he didn't come today? What if he is still angry and hate me? What i am gonna do? You also know how long we want this and-" he didn't complete his words because of the snoring sound coming, turning back from mirror to look on the couch he saw namjoon is already sleeping.

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