melody hargrove

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everything since that night felt like it had flown by. before i knew it i was 38 weeks pregnant.

we had everything ready to go to the hospital and everything that was needed here. max had already started staying with us so we would have help if we needed it.

every movement i made everyone watched me it was like everyone was waiting for me to fall to the floor and have this baby. it started getting annoying the longer it went on, half the time i couldnt even walk into the bathroom without billy trying to accompany me.

but i ended up being right, i knew she would come early.

i woke up in the middle of the night to the bed being wet. i shook billy awake who was dead to the world

"billy i think my water broke.."

he shot up like he had been tossed by the bed itself. i couldn't help but laugh at him when he began running around the room panicking. i was kind of enjoying his panicking for a change, he was always the calm one.

i finally grabbed his arm and stopped him in his tracks "billy, get the bag, go call mom and susan, and wake max or steve and let them know we're leaving."

"okay" was all he could say he looked at me pale as a ghost "im okay, contractions haven't started yet. we have time"

billy called susan and mom, woke max and left a note on the kitchen table. he put our bags and the car seat in the car and then came back for me. i was still sitting in our room on the soaked bed. "are you ready for this?" he said kneeling down holding my hands. somehow, someway i was calm. everything i was freaking out over for months was finally here and i was calm.

he helped me stand up and we headed towards the front door, max hugged me goodbye and wished me good luck.

billy grabbed my head and i looked up at him

"let's go meet our daughter."

by the time we got to the hospital i was in pain. contractions sucked. i was miserable, i couldn't walk so billy got the wheelchair. i felt like my whole body was being split in two, this hurt worse than the accident.

we got into our room and i was able to get pain medication. mom and susan came in after that and waited for it to be time with us.

the doctors came in "so with everything that's happened with this pregnancy we think a c-section would be best, just in case something happens that we aren't prepared for. "

i agreed, i didn't want anything else to come up. i just wanted her here and i wanted us safe and healthy. "okay" i mumbled through another contraction.

within 20 minutes after that they came in and told us it was time. they wheeled me into the OR and billy was next to me "im not leaving your side y/n im here."

i looked up at him "if something goes wrong with her you go with her. do you understand me?" he wanted to fight me but they put the mask on me to put me to sleep.

when i woke up i was back in my room. susan and mom were nowhere to be found it was just billy and i. "where's melody?" i said groggoly. "she is in the nursery, mom and susan are with her. she's beautiful y/n you did amazing."

i looked down and my stomach was noticeably smaller and it was a little bit easier to breathe. "i can go get her if you want..the nurses figured you would sleep longer.." he said walking over to kiss my forehead. "please" was all i could get out before billy walked out of the room. he looked different, he was so calm for the first time since we found out about her he was finally relaxed.

the doors opened a few minutes later and there was a clear looking bassinet being wheeled in. she was so little, but she had so much hair, just like billy had said. it was curly like billys but kind of dark like mine.

billy picked her up and held her for a second "okay melody are you ready to meet your mommy?"

he leaned down and handed her over to me. i started crying, her ultrasound pictures didn't lie, she was all billy. i was obsessed with every one of her little features, her little button nose, her blue eyes, and her little fingers that snuck out of her baby burrito and grabbed my finger.

"hello my melody we've been waiting on you." i looked up at billy who was crying now too. "my girls" he said as he came and sat down next to me so we both could look at her.

a little while later i decided to nap again so it was billy's turn to hog her. when i woke up and glanced over the view was better than anything i had ever seen, it was even better than our spot.

 when i woke up and glanced over the view was better than anything i had ever seen, it was even better than our spot

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billy looked up at me and smiled. "you were right y/n she is definitely our melody. made from 2 people who can't get enough music and enough of each other."

"she's our beautiful melody."

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