time to go home

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i woke up in a panic realizing where i was "hey..hey it's okay calm down you're okay." billy came walking over to my side and put his hand on my forehead. i moved my hands down to my stomach "what about my baby?!" i panicked.

"she's okay. she's okay. she's been kicking the crap out of the monitor, but she's okay." he grabbed my hand and kissed it. "but i do have some good and bad news, which one do you want first?"

"bad. always." i said sighing. "well, you're back on bedrest.."
"WHAT WHY?!" i said sitting up. "well, whatever drugs munson gave you, they put you into early labor. and if you so much as get too worked up it will put you back into labor and this time they don't think they would be able to stop it."

i sat back in the bed stunned. "okay, so no stress, no moving. okay i got it...what's the good news?"
"the good news is that you can go home tomorrow if little miss continues to show her stubborn side." he laughed. "by the way i got to see her again. they did another ultrasound and i got a picture of her!"

he handed me the ultrasound "they said she has hair now.. i couldn't really tell but they said she's got a whole head full!"

 i couldn't really tell but they said she's got a whole head full!"

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i traced over every little feature she had. and she was smiling. "The doctors said she was being stubborn again, she was curled up in your back. she was snuggling with you." i laughed.

"get some sleep you need it." i looked over at billy who had deep circles under his eyes. "I'll get some sleep when I'm dead." he joked. "you need to get sleep while you can because this one.." i pointed to the picture "is coming sooner than later."

we got released from the hospital and when we got home the front of the house was decorated with "welcome home" banners and balloons. i shot billy a look "hey, this wasn't my doing." he laughed. when we walked in steve was standing there.

"you asshole!" i said yelling at him. "all this shit happened because of you!" i punched him in the mouth. "hey woah relax i can handle it." billy said reminding me i can't get worked up. steve stood back up and looked at billy then at me "i deserved it. i'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left that night with nancy. i should've listened to you guys. i had a feeling you were going to come looking for me after the way i left. I didn't know he was going to do anything like this to you guys."

"where is he steve" billy grabbed ahold of him "i swear I don't know. the last time i saw him was a couple days ago when i met up with nancy." billy put him back down on the ground.

"steve, did you know he was on drugs." i said moving closer to him. "i mean i knew he was smoking but that's all i knew of." he looked at me confused, when i looked at billy he looked the same. "eddie was shooting up steve. he was really messed up. he told me he was doing it every 3-4 hours."

"That's not an excuse." billy said standing up and pacing the room. "no it isn't an excuse. but when he had me wherever that place was, he missed one of the times he normally does it and it started wearing off. that's how i got out. i talked to the real eddie. all this shit he did wasn't him."

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