preparing for change

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i woke up the next morning to a phone call "hello this is stacy from hawkins road to recovery i am looking for y/n?"

"this is she." i already knew it was eddie who was calling.
"okay hold on one second please" i heard the phone click then i heard someone inhale
"y/n? it's eddie"

"hey eddie, it's me, how are you?" i went and sat down at the table and wrote down the number and place he called me from. "I'm uh, I'm good. I'm sorry I couldn't stick around the day everything went down, i really didn't want a billy beating." he laughed "but how are you doing?"

"uh long version or short?"i laughed. I hadn't laughed with eddie in years it felt weird, but nice. "The long version i have some time. and please don't leave anything out, I don't want you to feel like it'll hurt me i promise it's okay. i wont do anything like what happened i swear."

i sat there on the phone and explained the last month to eddie like we had been best friends for years. i never realized how much i missed just talking to him. but as i was explaining i got to the part about what the drugs he had shot me with did to my body. "Eddie remember shooting me up with that needle?" he paused "i remember bits and pieces of that night, explain it please"

so that's exactly what i did and i could tell he was horrified. "y/n, i am so sorry i dont blame you or billy for wanting me dead. i almost killed you and your child. I didn't mean to I swear it was the drugs. every time i would shoot up i was so angry that you weren't here with me. but i understand now, and I'm happy for you, seriously." he sounded genuine and he sounded sober.

we talked for another hour before i got off the phone "y/n, i get out in a month, i know i will have a lot of trust to rebuild with you, and with billy but i would like to see you again. as friends, nothing more."

"i'll think about it." i said back "and y/n you can call me anytime here, or write. i really am sorry for everything i put you and billy through. but if this is the last time we speak, i wish nothing but the best for you and your family."

i smiled and hung up the phone. i grabbed a drink and dialed Billy's work number "hello?" it was billy. i told him everything eddie had said and where he was. the phone went silent "billy, say something." i said "I don't know what to say. i mean, i do want to kill him, but if hes getting help and he's serious about it maybe. but it isnt really my choice, it's yours. it's up to you who you want in your life, and in ours."

"I don't know how i feel honestly. I'm happy hes getting straight, but I don't think i could be comfortable with being around him for a while. i guess we will see how things go." i glanced up and steve was walking through the door. "Hey Billy I'm gonna have to go someone is doing the walk of shame in our house right now..." billy busted out laughing and couldn't stop, steve just looked at me. i hung up with billy and steve walked over and sat down across the table from me.

"you got a little somethin" i said pointing at his neck making kissing noises.
"hey you have something on your finger" he pointed at my ring trying to distract me
"uh no way, you aren't getting out of this one. who's the chick steve! nancy?" I laughed at him "hell no!" he snapped back quicker than i could even get her whole name out of my mouth.

"then who? come on steveeeee i can't leave the house with this bed rest crap! give me some drama!" he looked at me and sighed "FINE! it's chrissy...chrissy cunningham.."
"holy shit. cheerleader chrissy?" i sat there with my mouth open "yeah" he chuckled a little before he got up "dont tell anyone okay? we aren't official yet." he grabbed his jacket and went into his room before reappearing a minute later "umm you gonna tell me about that yet?" he pointed at my finger again.

"oh yeah, no big deal billy just proposed last night." he looked at me shocked "no freaking way. how did he do it cuz everything he had planned we hadn't finished doing yet-.." he stopped in his tracks when i tilted my head and looked at him blankly. "shit..he didn't do any of that did he..." he said faking laughing and scratching his head.

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