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it had been a couple months since that night happened. and luckily to everyone's surprise susan didnt take neil back.

neil would call her and threaten her constantly from jail, how if he ever got out no one would be safe there. neil was looking at 10 years in jail for what he had done, and with all the evidence there was no way he could be found innocent.

i started a new job, working with non other than steve harrington, weird i know. but the past few months steve, nancy and i have grown a lot closer.

and billy?

billy and i have been attached at the hip since that night. he stays at my house more than his own, which i don't blame him. He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet, but I'm not pressuring him, what we have now is amazing.

so why complicate things?

billy has been working at the auto shop a lot more than normal, my car is still out of commission, cue eye roll. so ive been catching rides with steve, billy and nancy when i can. for once everything felt okay.

until munson showed back up.

eddie and I haven't spoken since that night at steve's party.

he kind of... avoids me now.

but he came into my work this afternoon "steve!" he called walking into the ice cream shop.

i turned around and he stopped dead in his tracks "where's steve..." "umm he's back there" pointing behind the window that separated the register from the walk in freezer.

he rolled his eyes "well can you get him for me?" "yup" i eye rolled back and walked away. i could feel his eyes looking at my butt.

"take a picture it'll last longer!" i yelled as i walked into the freezer.

"steve your little buddy is looking for youuuu!" i said grabbing some of the ice cream he had in his hands.

"crap who?" i laughed and continued to walk away, next thing i knew steve jumped over the counter and they started doing this weird handshake type thing. they both looked back at me when they finished i couldn't help but laugh.

"eddie just got back from touring up in chicago." steve said trying to make it sound impressive.

"touring?" I was confused.

I didn't know much about eddie but I definitely didn't peg him for someone that would tour. "yeah tour, miss nosy. i have a band the corroded coffin and we managed to get some gigs out in chicago this month, next month we will go to DC."

i was kind of impressed.

"that's cool."

"holy shit you're being nice to me? I'll take that as a compliment! you should see us play sometime, honestly it's a pretty good time." he said writing something down on a napkin "here's where we're playing next. you should come steve and nancy will be there, right steve?"

"yeah we will be there for sure you should come y/n".

"i'll think about it." part of me honestly wanted to go, the other part remembered what billy said about eddie and the night at the party.

eddie pulled me aside when steve walked away.

"hey uh sorry about how i acted at the party, im not normally like that. you just...i dont know you arent something im used to."

i laughed "used to? Isn't that the point of meeting new people? If everyone was the same as what you are used to what would be the point? i think life would be awfully boring."

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