moving in?

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before i knew it i was 20 weeks pregnant. i had weekly doctors appointments and ultrasounds to make sure my baby was okay and they continued to have me stay on bed rest, it sucked. billy bought us a house but we haven't had the chance to move into it yet. billy made me a deal if i got cleared off bed rest today we could start slowly moving in this weekend. The only time i was allowed off bed rest was going to school, but i had to sit every chance i could.

i never thought billy would've reacted the way he did to this pregnancy. i was shocked when i found out i was pregnant, i honestly didn't know if this was something i even wanted. but when they said i could possibly lose this baby, i was more scared at that moment, then when i was trapped inside the car. 

i was finally starting to show so school wasn't the best time for me. i wore mostly big t-shirts so it was harder to tell. eddie kept trying to talk to me but honestly I wasn't ready to talk. steve became my body guard when i was in school, billy was my body guard anywhere else. that was steve's last party he threw, he couldn't stand to have another one and something like that happening again. he wont stop blaming himself for that night no matter how many times ive tried to tell him it wasnt his fault. 

i was originally set to graduate in March, but the accident set me back a month. this was my last week of school luckily it was easier because it was the week before spring break. i knew i would have to face eddie sooner or later but today was all about seeing baby and possibly finding out the gender.

i got out of class around noon and billy was waiting for me in our usual spot. "you ready for today?" i said getting into the car. "hell yeah i am!" he opened his jean jacket and showed me a pink shirt "see i have pink and blue on, i dont care what we are having just as long as they're healthy." "Alright let's go." i said and he pulled out of the parking lot. 

nancy and max met us there, along with my mom and susan. ever since we told them they have been obsessed with this little nugget. "ouch." pure panic ran over billy's face "what's wrong?" he said grabbing my hand. "nothing, i think the baby just kicked?" he pulled over immedietly.

"our baby just kicked for the first time?" he said putting his hand on my belly. "yeah little booger hurt too!" i laughed. "hey there we're about to see your perfect little face can you not kick mommy...til later" he winked and laughed. "Let's go now pleaseeee!" i said. he drove the rest of the way with one hand on my belly.  

we got inside and of course everyone was there before us. "i can't wait to see my grandbaby!" mom said hugging me and jumping up and down "easy, remember." i said trying to get her to relax "sorry honey, I'm just so happy." "it's true she hasn't shut up about it. neither has susan" max said hugging billy. "How are you doing dad? ew. still sounds weird." i laughed at her.

"y/n?" the nurse yelled. "oh you brought the whole crew today!"
"sorry, i hope that's okay. it's a big day, for both of us."i grabbed billys hand and we went into the room.

the doctor came in and started measuring and taking pictures of the heart, brain, stomach, head, and everything else

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the doctor came in and started measuring and taking pictures of the heart, brain, stomach, head, and everything else. we got to listen to the baby's heartbeat, billy squeezed my hand so tight i thought he was going to break it. "10 fingers and 10 toes. your baby is looking wonderful y/n".  for the first time i could breathe, i let out a sigh of relief and billy squeezed my hand. "i know baby, me too." he whispered to me.

"alright everyone, are we ready to find out the gender?" the doctor looked around at everyone in the room who all gave a thumbs up. "alright let's see if we're having a baby girl or a baby boy..."

the room went silent for a few minutes, it honestly felt like hours.

"it's a girl."

everyone in the room was crying. i looked up at billy he was sobbing. "i have a daughter, i have a baby girl.." he kept saying it over and over again. 

i couldn't believe we were having a baby girl. 

i was cleared from bed rest finally and billy knew what that meant. i did a little dance walking to the car because that meant the new house. it was time. "i know why you're doing that y/n" he laughed at me "our deal." 

"yuuuup! and you can't go back on it now!" I couldn't help but laugh, i was so happy.
"do you want to drive by and go see it? it isn't too far from here."

we drove to the house. it was bigger, and more amazing than I could have thought. billy picked me up and carried me inside. there was nothing inside the house, it was completely bare. "it's huge in here." i said looking around. "let me show you around." he grabbed my hand. 

"this is the kitchen...this is the living room...this is the den...the bathroom...the basement...laundry room...our room..." and then we were standing in another empty room, but once i walked in, it wasn't empty. "and this is our daughter's room." right in the middle of the wall there was a crib. "susan brought this over for us, it was max's, i couldn't believe she still had it." i walked over and sat down on the floor by the crib.

"it's perfect." i muttered. 

"i can start moving things over tomorrow if you want?" he said climbing down on the floor beside me. "what happened to this weekend?" "i'm off tomorrow and I don't think i could think about this house sitting empty another day. so y/n are you ready to move in with me?"

i rolled my eyes "billy we have been pretty much living together since we started dating." "blah blah blah" he said standing back up before helping me up. 

"Let's go back to your house and start packing."

"yeah....after you stop and get me benny's!" i laughed. 

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