welcome home

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Moving to a new town is never easy, but one good thing about y/n's move? They did it at the end of the school year. No awkward introductions, no fake friendships, and no extra "new kid" experiences. y/n got to experience Hawkins without any extra added pressure.

Unpacking some of the boxes that slowly began filling y/n's room, it became very clear that there was too much stuff and not enough room. "mom, why didn't you tell me this room is half the size you described it to be?!" y/n jokingly yelled from the upstairs room. "sorry honey, I didn't choose that room remember you're the one that got first dibs!!". she was right, I had to have this room, I wasn't sure why honestly. Looking around at the ugly naked beige walls I didn't see the big deal about it. Clearly mom saw the look on my face, I didn't even hear her come up the steps. "Don't worry, once you unpack and make this room your own it will feel like we have been here forever. besides, the best part is you can do whatever you want. if you want to paint it we can go to the store right now!" "really?" I replied, my face was beaming. The beige was okay, but didn't scream y/n's room. "yeah! we need a break anyway, let's go to the store we have to pick up something for dinner anyway." "I'll see if Dustin wants to come too." I said, about to scream his name in the basement. "He should be okay y/n we will be quick, I need time with you anyway!"mom said nudging my arm before I could yell. "okay." I said.

It was a long ride into town nothing like what their old place was like. It used to take 5 minutes just to get to a grocery store, now? It took almost 20. Pulling into the parking lot y/n was surprised at how empty everything was. There were more trees around than anything. "it really is different here. there's barely anyone around!" I said as we walked into the local hardware store. Nothing was like the city, no name brand stores were around, everything was a mom and pop shop. "it's quieter, I like it." mom said happily grabbing an old beat up cart, she always somehow managed to find the loudest cart.

We stood there in front of the paint colors for at least 10 minutes, neither of us said anything. I never knew something so simple was this hard. Finally I broke the silence "mom, what about this color?" I held out a gray paint card. "it's your room y/n. I'm letting you choose everything. If that's the color you like then we will do it!" I shook my head yes and mom went to the counter to order the paint.

It was a bit of a wait so I walked the aisles while mom waited at the counter, I couldn't help myself when "should I stay or should I go" by the clash came on the radio I started singing along and drumming on the shelves. Looking around for something else to add to my room I noticed we weren't alone in the store after all. "shit." I mumbled as my face became warmer and warmer, great I know I'm as red as a tomato.

"hey don't stop!" a deep, friendly voice said. "uhhh" was all I could manage to get out. As he walked closer he just kept getting taller, I was even more speechless. "Hey I haven't seen you around here before. I'm eddie, eddie munson." he said smiling. His brown eyes lit up when he smiled y/n noticed. "I'm y/n" I somehow managed to get out.

"alright y/n, so where are you from? cuz you definitely aren't from around here. I know everyone and your face? nah, you're too pretty to be from hawkins."

Once again the warm feeling ran across my face I couldn't help but giggle. "I just moved here, we're actually picking out paint for my room right now" as I pointed to my mom. "oh, that's cool. you know dollface you still didn't answer my question. Where are you from?" he asked again. "I'm originally from Wisconsin, actually Milwaukee mr nosey".

I couldn't help but laugh again, now his face took a turn and went red. "oh....uhhh..." he stumbled over his words almost in shock that I picked on him that quickly.

Just then "every breath you take" by the police came on the overhead radio.

"You're gonna sing this one too?" he said pointing up to the speaker. "You want me to sing the stalker song?" as I started humming along. "You're something else y/n."

Just then mom came up holding 2 gallons of the paint you picked out. "Are you ready to go destroy your new room y/n?" mom said struggling to hold the containers. "yup! it was nice to meet you munson. I'm sure I'll see you around."

I walked away before he answered.

mixtape.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora