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everything was quiet for a while. the house was finally almost done, minus the baby's room. life seemed to start getting back to normal. when billy was at work steve was over, and sometimes he would stay the night. him and nancy weren't spending as much time together but he didn't talk about it much, and i barely heard from nancy. i called all the time but she was always out or no one ever answered. we didnt mind having steve here, it was nice honestly. it was a nice distraction.

i was 30 weeks pregnant now and there was no hiding it. steve called me a penguin with how much i waddled. billy made it to every appointment, he would get every craving i had regardless of what time it was and he was reading baby books. he was somehow more ready for this than i was. he was so proud that i was having his baby, that he's going to be a dad. i was nervous, i didn't know the first thing about being a mom.

but today was an ultrasound day. which meant it was a good day, billy gets off early and we go for milkshakes after. he also promised me that we could go to the record store. i missed going there and i was overdue to get some new cassettes.

we got into the doctors office and they called us back early. "are you ready to see her today?" my doctor said. my face lit up and I couldn't hold back the excitement "yes! i want to see who she looks more like!" billy rolled his eyes, i kept insisting that she was going to be my twin it was the biggest fight we had these days.

she kept moving her hands in front of her face and didn't want to look at the camera

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she kept moving her hands in front of her face and didn't want to look at the camera. they asked me to drink something sugary to see if we could get her to move around and wake up more. within minutes she was moving her arms around and kicking up a storm.

then we finally got to see her little face, and she was billy. she had his nose, his chin and his cheeks. she smiled and that's when i saw it, she had his smile too. i started crying and glanced up at billy. he was frozen in place with his hand over his mouth. "well, she's still doing great mom, keep cooking her! only a few more months!" my doctor handed me the towel to wipe the gel off my stomach and handed billy the pictures. he sat there and traced her little features with his finger.

i giggled and we walked out to the car. "well, who do you think she looks like?" i said getting into the car, these days getting into his low car sucked, but getting out was worse. "she looks like you." i knew his ass was lying. "billy, she's your twin, she even has your nose! look at it!" i held up the picture against his face.

he laughed and kissed my hand and drove to benny's. when we got inside we got a booth and sat down, i glanced over and saw nancy there. she was with someone but i couldn't see who.

the waitress came over and handed us our milkshakes, they all knew us by name now because billy was in there at least 3 times a week for me. "there you are billy, y/n. how many more weeks until this little one decides to come?" she pointed to my belly "i'm 30 weeks today so she will be here soon!" she put her hand on mine "make sure you come show her off when you're feeling better after. anything you want, it's on us." i squeezed her hand and smiled and she was off to another table.

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