the tape

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once i got back to the house i noticed billy wasn't behind me. i waited another minute before i went inside. maybe he stopped off for something. i went inside the house and got my room all set up and got into my pj's. billy came running up the steps a couple minutes later with mcdonald's.

"you hungry?" he said stuffing a burger in his mouth.

"i thought you don't eat junk like this cuz you're a fitness weirdo." i started laughing and he threw a fry at me

"Listen I don't tell you what to put in your body You don't tell me what to put in mine."

for some reason him saying that sounded kind i quickly grabbed some fries before he noticed my face turning red.

i grabbed the cassette from my nightstand and put it in the radio. we listened to every song on both sides of the tape.

we couldn't stop making out

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we couldn't stop making out. every song that played showed me just how much he really me.

"y/n i love you..." he whispered as his face was inches from mine.

i was honestly speechless. billy hargrove, the one everyone said was an asshole, a man whore, and someone I shouldn't trust, he loved me.

"i love you too billy." i said back before grabbing his necklace and pulling him back in for another kiss.

i wanted to sleep with him, i wanted to do more. i could tell he wanted to as well but he stopped. he rolled me over and i put my head on his chest.

"i have never felt this way about anyone y/n..."

it was true, max told me. but i didnt say anything i just let him continue.

"I don't let people get close to me, i just let them think I'm this big asshole who just sleeps around. it somehow makes it easier for me. id rather have people look at me like im a monster than well, make me different. i want a future with you. when i see my life now, there isn't anything I don't see myself doing without you."

i continued to lay there in silence. i was amazed with everything he was saying. everyone was wrong about him, and i knew it.

"are you okay down there? not thinking about running now?" he said chuckling nervously.

"I'm here love. no plans on running. i'm yours." i said looking up at him.


"i swear."

we went back to the cassette and eventually fell asleep.

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