Unpacking secrets.

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by the weekend we were completely moved into the house. we didn't have much besides the stuff in our bedrooms. luckily yard sales and family helped us out with furniture and other stuff. i honestly never knew how much crap you needed for a fully furnished house. billy went back to work the following monday leaving me alone in the house. i looked around at the boxes and honestly had no idea where i could even start. i decided to call nancy and steve maybe they could help, nancy more than steve poor boy sucked at decorating anything. "hey nancy it's y/n can you come over to the house and help me set up some of this stuff? I'm lost" i chuckled trying to sound like i wasn't freaking out. "of course! i'll bring steve too so he can lift all the heavy stuff." i could hear him in the background "wait what am i doing??" nancy laughed and said "we will be over in 10!" i hung up and relaxed a little. there was no way i could do all this alone, i didn't know much about decorating either.

nancy, steve and i managed to get everything unpacked before billy had gotten home from work that night. we still needed more stuff but it would do for now. nancy left early because robin was back in town for spring break.

before billy had gotten home that night i had the opportunity to talk to steve about eddie. it wasnt something i wanted to ever talk about again but if eddie didnt tell steve the truth by now, i had to tell him.

"so you wanna talk about it?" i said breaking the silence after nancy pulled out of the driveway.

"talk about...?" he looked back at me confused. "everything. We haven't talked much since my whole world flipped upside down.."

"you mean since new years eve...at my party.." he muttered. "yes" i said sitting down in one of the folding chairs we used as a chair for our kitchen table. "are you sure you want to talk about it? i can tell you've been avoiding me, and eddie..since everything"

"i mean i do have a reason to avoid him, but not you. steve i thought you knew who eddie really was, i thought he would've at least told you since you and him are so close." he continued to look confused. "he really didn't tell you?" i said looking up at him as he was leaning on the wall. "no he didn't tell me, at least not until i saw him at the hospital after word got out about your accident." he was there? i thought to myself, all kinds of thoughts began running through my head now. steve could tell i had no idea eddie was there.

"he came up the day you got released from the hospital, i actually dropped him off. i explained everything that the doctors, and billy had told us. y/n he blames himself for your accident, just like i blame myself for letting you leave knowing you had been drinking...i should have babysat you like last time..." steve started sliding down the wall and sat down on the floor at my feet. "billy talked to him that day, I don't know what happened but before i could even leave the parking lot eddie came running after my car.

He didn't tell me anything that happened but he was really upset. he kept muttering something about "they're both.." i honestly had no idea what that meant. but once i found out about.." he pointed to my belly "i figured that's what he was talking about...the whole "they're both" thing. and im gonna be real with you, eddie still wants to talk to you. he keeps bugging me and has been asking me to get you to talk to him at least one more time."

"but what could be left to even say? i said everything i wanted that night." i said sitting back in my chair.

"i know, but since i have known eddie and since he's seen you I'm gonna be honest. he's been saying he's going to win you back. I wasn't supposed to tell you that but you deserve to know his intentions, I don't think hes going to stop and clearly he doesn't care that you're pregnant with Billy's baby. honestly, if anything i think it's only fueled him more to get you back."

i was speechless, everything steve was telling me it didn't sound like eddie. he walked out of my life, and didn't look back once. he only started this shit once he found out it was me who had moved here. and i was pregnant with someone else's child and that only wanted to make him try harder? why? did he think this was some fucked up game? playing with my emotions for the past 3 years wasn't enough he had to keep adding to it?

"y/n, are you there? anything you want me to tell eddie?" he said waving his hand up and down in front of my face. "Yeah I'm here sorry, I was thinking."

"It's okay, honestly it would get him off my back about it if you wanted to meet with him, but like i said if i were you i wouldn't. nothing good can come of it, and in my expert opinion? if you're really over him y/n, i wouldnt meet him. I don't think he's the same eddie you remember." he ran his fingers through his hair, we both didn't say anything for a while. i was lost.

the silence was finally broken by the grandfather clock in the living room chiming 8 pm. "y/n im gonna get going, you dont have to decide tonight. think about it, okay?" he handed me a piece of paper. "it's from eddie, you dont have to read it, you can throw it away. do whatever you want, but just do me a favor, don't do something you will regret."

i smiled and hugged him goodbye. as he pulled out of the driveway billy pulled in. they pulled up next to each other and talked for a few seconds before he drove off. billy got out of his car and started walking towards me. i was standing in the door frame of the front door resting my head on the frame. my head was spinning but i wasn't sure if i was going to tell billy about what steve had said. the note steve gave me was tucked into my pocket.

billy came up walking up the walkway "there's my girls" he said. i loved hearing that, a big smile lit up my face as i met his lips.

"how was work?" i said as he got inside and started taking his boots off and kicked them by the door. "long. had at least 3 cars and a truck to do today. I didn't have time to even take lunch, and worst part I didn't even finish the one car so i have to do that first thing tomorrow morning." i could tell his body was hurting "why don't you go get a shower? we can talk after." i said rubbing his back before realizing how sweaty and nasty it was. he looked back up at me and laughed when i made a face about what i had just touched "especially if you think you're sleeping in bed with me tonight."

"okay okay miss bossy im going." he rolled his eyes and acted like he was running to the bathroom. "what do you want to do for dinner tonight?" he yelled down the hallway.

"what are my girls craving?"

i was craving a lot more than i used to, and some days were better than others. I didn't get much morning sickness besides if i didn't eat, or if i started getting stressed out. "ummm..i just want a chocolate milkshake." i said walking to the bathroom. "you need to eat more than just that. come on babe anything you want."

"i miss susan's meatloaf." i said shrugging. we used to go over there all the time but since the accident we hadn't made the trip. "you want to go see her? i'll call right now."

he was half dressed and went running out of the bathroom and grabbed the phone

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

he was half dressed and went running out of the bathroom and grabbed the phone. all he had on were his tube socks that didn't even resemble the color white anymore regardless of how much you washed them, and his work pants undone but still on. He didn't have a shirt on and his abs were shiny with the amount of sweat and grease that covered them. I couldn't focus on anything else he was saying all i could do was look at him.

"babe..take a picture it'll last longer" he laughed kissing the top of my head. i snapped back into reality. "we're going to susan's as soon as I'm done in the shower, okay?"

i was happy to finally see max and susan and relax for the night. but what steve said was still in the back of my mind. part of me was actually thinking about meeting with eddie.

mixtape.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang