"You've been so brave, sweetheart," Lily said. 

Harry stepped forward, "why are you here? All of you?"

"We never left, dear," Lily responded. 

Harry looked to Sirius, "does it hurt? Dying?"

"Quicker than falling asleep," Sirius answered. 

"That's bullshit," Zoya spoke up, "some of the worst bloody pain of my life, that was."

Harry turned to Zoya, "you should be with us. It shouldn't have been you."

"If it's any comfort to you, I'm safe now. You're nearly there, Harry."

Harry looked to all of them, "I'm sorry. I didn't want any of you to die for me. And Remus, your son..."

"Others will tell him what his mother and father died for. Someday he'll understand..."

"You'll stay with me?" Harry asked. 

"Until the end," James answered. 

"I'll haunt you forever," Zoya said with a smirk.

"He won't be able to see you?"

Sirius shook his head, gesturing to Harry's heart, "no. We're here, you see."

Harry turned to his mother, "stay close to me."


Zoya looked behind her shoulder at something Harry couldn't see. She smiled sadly, "unfortunately someone has met me again a bit too soon," she said, "though I am happy to see him, I just wish he had longer."


She nodded, "yes."

"You can see him?"

"I can."

Harry matched her sad smile, "thank you, Zoya. For constantly standing up for me and with me. I'll never forget you."

"I hope not," she said with a more playful smile. 

Harry closed his eyes and opened them again, and everyone was gone. 

"Harry?" Aurora said, "who..."

He gave her the stone, "close your eyes."

She took the stone and did as he said. When she opened them, she saw people she never thought she would again. 

Diana, Sirius, Althena, Remus, Cedric... and to her surprise, Lavinia. 


"Hi, darling," Diana softly said. 

She smiled and looked to everyone else, "Cedric..."

He matched her smile, "long time no see."

She reached out to touch Diana, but she felt nothing. They were mere ghosts, after all. 

"I don't know if I'll make it through this."

"You will," Althena firmly said, "we don't want you here for a long time, Aurora."

She looked to Remus, "you..." she said, her voice turning bitter, "I told you! You'd make an orphan of Teddy!"

"You'll understand some day, Aurora," he softly said. 

"There is nothing we wouldn't do for our children, Aurora," Sirius said. 

She turned to him, "you left me as well."

"I haven't."

"Have you?" she asked, "I can't feel you. I can't feel any of you! Ever!"

"Take a step back, darling. Look at the bigger picture," Diana said, "were all with you. Always."

Aurora looked to Lavinia. She had never seen her aunt look so content. So calm. So at peace. 

"Why am I seeing you?"

"I'm sorry, Aurora," Lavinia steadily said, "I'll spend forever regretting what I've done to you. What I did to Augustus, to everyone."

Aurora stared at her for a few passing moments, "is it quiet?"

Lavinia nodded, "I've never felt such serenity."

She looked to Cedric, who looked proud of her. 

"You know I'll always love you," Aurora whispered. 

"I know," he gently said. 

"You're going to be okay," Althena said, "even if you don't know it yet."

"You deserved better, my darling. I'm sorry," Sirius said, "know that we all have a hand on your shoulder. We're in your corner, always."

And just like that, they were gone. 

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