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"This is not going well!" Augustus yelled as he and Celestina fought off Death Eaters.

"What else did you think was going to happen?!" she yelled back.

Morana Van Vries turned a corner and looked at the two fighting off the Death Eaters. She smirked lightly and sent a blast straight towards Augustus.

He fell to the ground as Celestina killed two Death Eaters via reducto.

She helped Augustus up as Morana walked to them cooly.

"My daughter spoke of you," Morana started.

Augustus narrowed his gaze, "and you let her die."

"A small price to pay."

"You're sick," Augustus said as he and Morana began to duel one another.

Celestina held off the incoming Death Eaters as Augustus battled Morana to a long flight of stairs. She had her back to the stairs and Augustus smirked, "Stupefy!"

Morana was flung down the stairs, hitting her head on the very last stair and killing her. He winced at the sight as Lucas ran down the corridor to him.


He shifted his attention to Lucas, who ran up to him and hugged him tightly. He accepted it without thought, kissing him firmly while he was at it.

"Are you okay?" Augustus questioned.

They pulled apart and nodded, "I am, but it's bloody out there."

Celestina ran up to them, "they're all dead. No thanks to you," she sassed. She gazed down at Morana's lifeless form, "that's a way to go," she said.

"We gotta go," Lucas said.

Up in the North Tower, Aurora was slowly but surely defending herself and students alike from Death Eaters. She ran up a flight of stairs to get to high ground, running down a bridge where she remembered Kingsley and Remus going.

She stopped in her tracks when she saw Kingsley kneeling beside Remus and Tonks. He gazed up at her and shook his head lightly.

She slowly walked to the three, kneeling down beside them as tears fell from her eyes.

"Althena's gone as well," she whispered, "and Ben."

He put a hand on her shoulder, "we cannot stop now,"

"I know," she said as she stared down at them, "what about everyone else? George?"

"Alive last time I saw him."

"Which was when?"

"About 30 minutes ago."

She sighed and sat down up against a wall, "I'm sorry, I just need a second," she watched Kingsley carefully shut both of their eyes, "who killed them?"

"Bellatrix killed Tonks, Antonin Dolohov got Lupin,"

"Good thing Bellatrix is dead," she bitterly said.

"You killed her?"

She nodded, "Where's Dolohov?"

"Gone before I could get to him," he answered. Aurora stood up and wiped her tears away as Kingsley looked up at her, "Aurora..."

"He's going to pay for that."

"Don't be cruel."

"I'm way past that," Aurora said, leaving the tower.

She stopped pulling her curses on her hunt for Dolohov. She didn't hesitate to use Avada Kedavra or Crucio to handle Death Eaters. She didn't care how cruel she was anymore.

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