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Despite the amounts of potions that were made to counter whatever Gabriel had been giving Lavinia for years, the shift in Lavinia was just not enough. 

She still had it out for Aurora, would go on violent rampages, and would break down into a puddle of tears shortly after. Everyday Lavinia was different, nobody knew how she would be with each meeting. 

"Lavinia, tell me, why did you join the Death Eaters?"

He questioned her often each time she would drink a potion he made for her. Wanting to get to the bottom of her motives. 

"I don't know." She whispered, "I don't–" She took a sharp intake of breath, hair sticking to her sweaty face, "I don't have control of myself, Severus. The voices in my head, the things I see, I don't know what's real and what's not."

And then there were the times she could speak clearly, and put into words, in her own twisted way, what she was feeling. 

"Why do you want Aurora Black dead?"

She chuckled dryly, "House of Black is wicked, Severus. The name, the line, it needs to end. It's littered with inbreds and abuse. My parents are also my cousins. That's half of why I'm crazy."

"You're not crazy."

Another dry laugh, "Am I? Every Black you know is only pretending to be sane."

Silence took over the room. She stood up and walked out of the room, Snape following behind. They made their way upstairs and Lavinia passed Narcissa silently, the look on her face didn't go unnoticed by the Malfoy. 

"Severus." Narcissa stepped in front of him. She looked back at Lavinia, who was slowly climbing the stairs, "What did you give her?"

"I'm merely doing what the Dark Lord to me to do, Narcissa."

Narcissa's voice became a sharp whisper, "You're trying to counteract whatever Gabriel gave her, aren't you?"

"What he gave her... was flawed."

"She's under his thumb, Lavinia. Not the Dark Lord. Gabriel." Narcissa carefully said, "You're not giving her what he did, are you?"

He gave no answer, no reaction, no nothing. He turned around on his heel, walking away from Narcissa with his cloak flowing behind him elegantly. 

She walked upstairs after Snape left, walking to Lavinia's room that was directly across from Aurora's old one. She contemplated on stopping and walking into her daughter's – no – second cousin's room, but she didn't.

She walked into Lavinia's room, finding her braced up against the wall as her other hand was on her forehead, face scrunched up in pain. 

"Lavinia? What's wrong?"

"It hurts." She whimpered out, "My head."

Before Narcissa could say anything, Lucius and Draco appeared in the doorway, "The Dark Lord is calling a meeting." Lucius said. 

Narcissa turned to the two, "Now?"

Lucius nodded as Lavinia slowly stood up tall, fixing her hair and wiping her tears. She walked passed them, "Then let's not keep him waiting."

Lucius followed her out while Narcissa and Draco hesitated. She walked out of the room, finding Draco looking at Aurora's old bedroom with sad lingering eyes. She put a comforting hand on her son's shoulder, guiding him down the hallway and to the meeting.  

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