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"Zoya! My sweet angel, I missed you so much!"

"Fred, my sweet darling, I was only gone for an hour."

Zoya plopped her bag onto the ground as Fred hugged her tightly, "Sweet Merlin, Fred, you saw her at breakfast." Ginny said with a scoff.

"A whole hour ago."

"You were away from me for months during school, yet you couldn't handle me being gone for an hour?"

"He did terribly when he was away from you, Zoya." Estella Babineaux pipped up from the kitchen as she stood next to her girlfriend, Iniya Visvakarm, "Seriously, was getting ready to just quit my job and take my chances with the Death Eaters." She said, making Iniya snicker.

Due to the Dark Lord and the disappearances and murders, Molly started to insist Zoya staying at the Burrow during the day while her father was gone at work, as she didn't want her left alone in her own home. Eventually, Estella and Iniya began to come around to the Burrow to hang out.

Iniya got on with everyone well, almost too well. She had a natural laid back aura about her, and she radiated confidence. She took all the jokes about her being a Slytherin like a champ, and sent them right back.

Now that Fred wasn't at the Joke Shop everyday, he moved back to the Burrow (for safety) and spent his time with Zoya. They weren't back together, but that didn't stop him from acting like it.

He sat down next to her on the couch, "Shame we closed the shop. Was really hopping to snog you in the broom closet, better yet, my office."

"Good Godric, Fred." She said as she took a sip of lemonade, her cheeks burning up.

"What? 'M only being honest here. You know... we could always just sneak in there, I do have the keys." He said in her ear.

She shoved him away playfully, "All right, down boy." She said with a smirk, patting his thigh as she stood up. She walked outside to go visit with Fleur, Bill, and Arthur, leaving Fred to his own devices.

Estella walked over and sat down, "So no luck?"

"It's like she doesn't even want us to get back together." He mumbled.

"Have you actually said that that's what you want?" Iniya questioned, sitting on the arm of the couch.


Iniya sighed, "You see, this is why I don't do men. You expect everything to just fall into line, well, newsflash, it doesn't. If you want something, you need to say it. Estella tells me how outgoing and fearless you are, but I'm not seeing it."

"He turns into a pussy when it's Zoya." She said as Fred glared at her.

"Do not!"

"All right then, march out there and tell her you're sick of being just friends."

He sunk into the couch, "I don't wanna make her uncomfortable... and besides, if she wants to get back together, she's more than capable of saying something as well. Also, I've been flirting with her nonstop! Is she not getting the point?"

"She probably is getting the point. I don't know, Fred, you know her better than probably anyone. You do you think she's not said anything?" Estella asked.

He sighed and thought to himself for a few passing moments, "She's scared."


"Getting back with me after everything that happened." He shamefully said.

Iniya patted his shoulder, "There you are. Wasn't that hard to figure out now was it?"

From outside, Zoya looked out into the distance as the other three had their conversation. Anxiety was always creeping up her spine these days.

𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘦 ; 𝒹.𝒽Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant