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The moment the six apparated to Hogsmeade, sirens went off and Death Eaters yelled that they were here. 

They ran to take cover, "Some plan this is," Augustus whispered.

"Potter! Black!" A Death Eater yelled. 

The two ran up a narrow set of stairs and down an alleyway, stopping when they were met with a gate.

"In here, Black!" A voice whisper, "Potter!"

They turned to the voice, and ran into the home without a word. Aurora stopped to get a glimpse at the man. He strongly resembled Dumbledore. He gave her a soft smile, "In you go."

She walked down the stairs to the rest of the group, finding Hermione looking into a broken mirror. She saw Harry's face in it. 

She looked at Harry from across the room, finding him looking into a piece of glass. She walked over to him, and he silently gave it to her. 

"Two way mirror," she commented, looking into it. 

"Padfoot gave it to me as a present, I forgot I had it. I tried to contact him after he died, thought it might work... it didn't, obviously. I smashed it and a shard fell into my bag," Harry explained.  Aurora sighed lightly as she looked into it. Harry narrowed his gaze, "what's wrong?"

She shook her head, "nothing, it's just... I don't know, sometimes it feels like you two were closer than him and I ever were."

"That's not true."

"It is," she said with a sigh, "I'm not angry at you because of it, it just reminds me of what I so desperately wanted but could never have."

Aurora turned her gaze to the mirror hanging on the wall, it had a missing piece. She walked to the mirror, and the shard was a perfect fit. 

"You bloody fools. What were you thinking coming here? Have you any idea how dangerous it is?" the man who let them in questioned.

Aurora looked at him, taking the tiniest peak inside his mind. He glared at her in that moment, "You're Aberforth. Dumbledore's brother."

"It's you who I've been seeing in here. It's you who sent Dobby," Harry said as Aurora held up the shard. 

Aberforth eyed it before glancing out of a window, "Where've you left him?"

"He's dead," Aurora quietly said. 

"Sorry to hear it. I liked that elf," Aberforth replied as Aurora looked down sadly. She looked back up at him, "How did you get this?"

"Mundungus Fletcher, 'bout a year ago."

"He had no right selling you that. It belonged to–" 

"Sirius. Albus told me. He also told me that you'd likely be hacked off if you ever found out I had it. But ask yourself where you'd be if I didn't." Aberforth said. Harry gave no answer and he continued, "Right then. Reckon you're hungry. Let's get you all fed, then think of the best way to get you out of here."

Aurora looked down at the shard and held it out to Harry. He looked down at it and shook his head, "Keep it. It's yours."

She retreated her hand as Aberforth looked to Augustus, "I thought you were dead."

"Don't worry, I will be soon," Augustus answered. Aberforth paused and everyone looked at him blankly. Augustus shrugged, "just trying to lighten the mood a bit..."

Aberforth looked at Celestina, "I've heard of you."

"What? That I'm my grandfather's worst nightmare?"

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