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Aurora watched the four walk inside Gringotts nervously. She wore a black cloak over her jeans and leather jacket, not much for a disguise but it at least hid her tattoos that easily gave her away.

She stood in an alley across from the bank, wand gripped tightly in her hand as people passed by her.

She kept her head down and eyes up, feeling disoriented in her current location as it's been months since she stepped foot in Diagon Alley.

"Have you given any more thought to us moving? Just for the time being," a soft voice said near Aurora.

"I told you, Mary, we shouldn't be so far from him."

"He won't be far, Amos," the soft voice reasoned.

Aurora turned her head at the name of Amos, eyes widening when she saw the middle aged couple standing close to one another mere feet from her.

They both looked tired.

Mary turned her head when she felt Aurora's eyes on hers. Aurora quickly turned her head and looked back at Gringotts, willing them to hurry up.


She mentally cursed herself and slowly turned around, "Hi."

Amos stepped forward, "Au-" he cut his words off when a group of people passed by. He beckoned her over and she reluctantly obliged.

"Don't worry, we won't give you up," Amos quietly said before turning to Mary, "Mary, this is Aurora Black. Aurora, this is my wife."

She had never met either of them, yet Amos spoke to Aurora as if she was an old friend. Mary had tears in her eyes as she shook Aurora's hand, "He told us so much about you."

Aurora's breath hitched, "I... I don't know what to say."

"What are you doing here?" Amos worriedly asked, "You're being hunted."

"I have my reasons. What are you two doing out?"

"We have to go to Gringotts," Mary answered.

"Don't," Aurora said, "Go home. Please. Just... trust me."

Amos glanced at his wife before turning to Aurora, "I won't ask why you're here, but I trust you have good reasons," he quietly said, "Please, Aurora, be careful."

Mary brought Aurora in for a hug, "Thank you for all you've done. Thank you for being so good to our son he... he really loved you," Mary quietly whimpered, "He spoke so fondly of you in his letters to us."

"I'm sorry I couldn't save him," Aurora quietly said.

Amos shook his head with a faint smile, "None of that. It wasn't your fault."

Aurora sighed, "I'm glad I could meet the two of you, but please go now."

The two nodded and turned back around, Mary sparring Aurora one last glance before disappearing around a corner.

She let out a breath, but felt strangely liberated. His parents showed no malice towards her. They showed her kindness and believed her.

Aurora stayed in her area for 30 more minutes, until the most unexpected happened.

A dragon. A fucking dragon.

Her eyes widened at the sight of it breaking through the roof of Gringotts. She caught a glimpse of Harry on top, and she took deep breaths, trying to focus on apparating there. With a crack, she was on top of the dragon and holding onto Ron for dear life as it flew away.

"What happened?!"

"Several things, Aurora!" Harry yelled back.

After sometime of flying, they found an opening to get off of the dragon. The four fell into a lake, Aurora and Harry falling close to one another. She grabbed onto his arm when she saw him struggling, and she saw flashes of Voldemort penetrating Harry and her own mind.

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