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Estella, Luca, Harry, and Hagrid were the first to arrive.

Romare, Margot, Nhan, Molly, and Ginny were outside, "Harry! Where are the others?" Molly asked.

"Is no one else back?" Harry worriedly asked.

"We are ambushed. They were on us right from the start." Estella angrily asked, "Somebody betrayed us."

"Well, thank goodness you four are all right." Molly said.

"Ron ad Tonks should've already been back." Ginny spoke up, "Dad and Fred, as well."

Remus apparated a few feet away from the group with George's arm over his shoulder, supporting him up, the side of George's face bloody.

Estella gasped as she ran over to them, "Quick! Into the house!" Remus said.

She helped walk George inside, lying him down the couch.

"Where's Aurora? Is she back?" He worriedly asked, his eyes drooping.

Estella shook her head, "No, not yet."

He tried to sit up, but Molly and Luca held him down softly, "No. You're hurt, mate." Luca said.

Remus pushed Harry up against the wall, "Remus!" Molly gasped.

"Shh!" He said back as he held his wand up to Harry, "What creature sat in the corner the first time Harry Potter visited my office in Hogwarts?"

"Are you mad?!" Harry yelled.

"What creature?!"

"A-A Grindylow!"

Remus slowly lowered his wand as Zoya and Maxwell ran inside, "Fucking ambush!" Zoya exclaimed, "Where are the others?"

Margot hugged her twin tightly, relieved that he was okay.

Zoya saw George on the couch, her heart dropping. For the briefest second, she thought it was Fred.

"We've been betrayed. Voldemort knew you were being moved tonight." Maxwell angrily said, his tone harsher than what anyone was used to.

"I had to make sure you weren't an imposter." Remus said to Harry.

A whooshing sound rang through the ears of everyone. Remus ran outside, facing Kingsley and Hermione.

Remus and Kingsley had their wands held up to one another, "The last words Albus Dumbledore spoke to the pair of us?"

Remus smiled lightly, "Harry is the best hope we have. Trust him."


He panted, "Aurora Black will either be the best or worst thing to happen to us. We will find, Vespertine is a name that- that has more power than we know."

Kingsley lowered his wand, and Remus did the same.

"What gave you away?" Kingsley asked.

"Hedwig, I think. She was trying to protect me."

Bill and Fleur safely arrived, Tonks and Ron shortly after.

Remus and Tonks hugged one another tightly as Fred and Arthur appeared. Zoya and Fred hugged one another tightly, "Are you okay?" He said, checking her for any injuries.

"I'm fine. But George..."

His face fell as he took her hand, walking inside with Arthur.

Iniya and Darren arrived, "Help!" Iniya yelled worriedly, kneeling on the ground by Darren.

Estella ran out to her, kneeling beside her.

Remus and Tonks stood over them, both gasping at the large gash over his heart. His breathing was slow as Aurora and Althena arrived.

"Over here!" Iniya yelled.

They walked to them as Romare and Maxwell ran out.

Romare looked at the gash on Darren, "This- I-"

"He was hit with some dark magic." Iniya rushed out, saved my life.

"Can you fix him?" Aurora worriedly asked.

Romare shook his head as Darren looked up at Althena, "This wound is... it would take..." He trailed off as he looked at Althena.

She quickly shook his head, "No. He's better off dead."

"Althena, we cannot just let him die!" Estella argued.

"It would ruin him. You don't understand the gravity of it." She rushed out.

"Please." Darren said as his breathing picked up, "Seriously. I- I can't leave Gwenna. And frankly, I don't wanna go just yet. Please." He quietly pleaded.

Remus put his hand on her shoulder, "You don't have to if you don't want to." He quietly said to her.

"Go inside." Althena said as her breathing became shaken, "You don't want to see this."

Everyone stepped back, "Is everyone else back? Is George okay?" Aurora asked. Remus and Tonks gave her an apologetic look, and her face fell, "No..."

She ran inside, and everyone parted for her. She brought her hand over her mouth when she saw him, the side of his face bloody.

Fred stood up and allowed her to sit down next to her. George sighed in relief as she leant her forehead gently against his, tears falling violently from her eyes.

She couldn't make out any words, fear coursing through her veins, flashbacks of Cedric, Sirius, and Augustus running through her mind.

"I'll be alright, love." He whispered, "It's alright."

She kissed him, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Mad-Eye's dead." Bill announced, "Mundungus took one look at Voldemort and... disapparated."

"Darren was gravely injured." Iniya said, "Althena, she- she's saving his life."

Remus had a look of pure guilt and sadness on his face at Iniya's words.

"He wanted it?" Hermione asked.

She nodded, "Yes. They apparated to the St. Claire Manor with Romare and Margot so they could look after him."

Everyone began to simmer down. Zoya saw Fred slip out of the house, and she followed him.

He stood near the crops, she slowly walked to him, "Freddie?"

He wiped his tears and her heart ached, "I'm fine. You can go back inside." He said, his voice broken.

She placed her hand on his cheek, wiping his tears with her thumb, "I'm sorry." She whispered.

He broke down into a violent fit of sobs. She hugged him tightly, cooing him and rubbing the back of his neck softly. His face was buried into her shoulder, despite him having to bend down at an uncomfortable angle, he was still able to find comfort in her arms.

"He's going to be okay, Fred." She said softly.

"Not just him, Zoya." He cried, "You could've bloody died out there."

"I'm here, Freddie. It's over now."

He hugged her tighter, "I'm sorry for everything I did to you, Zoya. I know I've apologized, but I'll do it over and over so you know. I love you, Zoya. Please, I want you back. I-I'll do anything. I can't just sit and watch you without–"

She silenced him with a kiss. It wasn't like anything the two had felt before. This was something different, filled with a different kind of love. She wiped the rest of his tears away, "I love you, Fred." She whispered, "More than you'll ever know."

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