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Althena apparated the three in nearby village by the destination of the council.

She pointed north to a miniature castle on a large hill, "There?"

"You didn't mention it was a castle." Darren said, wincing at the sunlight as he adjusted his sunglasses.

"Have you been inside before?" Charlie asked.

"Only briefly."

"Well then, let's get a move on." Charlie said, beginning to walk in the direction of the castle.

Darren walked next to him while Remus and Althena trailed behind. He looked over at her, picking up on her anxious state as she lit a cigarette with shaking hands, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing it's just... the man that turned me, he uhh, he lives there."

Remus stopped walking and carefully put a hand on Althena's arm to stop her walking, "We don't have to go."

She shook her head, "No, we should. If they agree to help us, it'll help our chances."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Let's just hope they don't eat poor Charlie for a midday snack."

He chuckled lightly as they resumed walking. Remus picked up on the stares they were getting by people passing by, "This is a vampire dominate town." She muttered.

"I see."

Charlie looked back at them and stopped until they caught up. He glanced around nervously, "Is it just me or..."

"These are all vampires. And yes, they know you're human."

He nodded, "Great."

"They won't do anything to you. Not with Darren, Remus, and I here."

"Do they know he's a werewolf?" Charlie questioned, nodding to Remus.

Remus nodded, "Vampires and Lycanthropes can sense each other. You don't want to witness them being in close proximity on a full Moon."

"If it makes you feel any better, Charlie, they are also eyeing up Remus." Althena said, blowing out smoke.

The walk took close to 30 minutes. As they neared closer on a cobblestone path, Charlie spoke up, "There's something I need to get off my chest. You know, if they do decide to..." He slid his finger over his throat.

"I won't let that happen, Charlie." Althena said.

"I know, but if they do kill me, I need to confess that I tried to flirt with your niece at the wedding."

Everyone stopped and looked at Charlie, "That's your confession? Seriously?" Darren asked.

He raised his hands in defense, "I was on the verge of asking her on a date! I can't stop thinking about it!"

"Charlie, that should be the least of your problems right now." Althena said.

"George keeps side-eyeing me during meals. He thinks it's funny. I'm mortified!" Charlie exclaimed.

"Nice to know he has confidence in his relationship." Darren said as they resumed walking.

Remus patted Charlie's back, "It's all right. You know, in my fifth year and Althena's fourth, she kissed James Potter on a dare and he cried because he felt guilty about Lily, who didn't even like him at the time, and she nearly threw up in disgust."

"What does that have to do with anything, Remus?" Althena asked, groaning at the memory while Darren laughed out loud.

He shrugged, "Figured one embarrassing memory might cancel out how Charlie is feeling."

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