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A plan was formed to go to the Ministry posing as employees via Polyjuice Potion and retrieve the locket. 

The four ran their plan by Aurora numerous times, who made sure it was seamless.

"If you can't make it back, send me a patronus." Aurora ordered.

"Got it." Harry said. 

She hugged each of them, "Stay as safe as you can."

With that, the four were gone. 

Hours passed. Aurora listened to Dobby's rambles as she wondered around the house. It was close to 3 in the afternoon when a blue light shot through the home, a Stag standing proud and tall. 

"We cannot come back. We are safe."

She sighed, looking down at a now sad Dobby. 

"I had a terrible feeling that would happen."

"As did Dobby."

Aurora began to pack her things again before walking to the portrait of Walburga that always cursed her name when she would pass by. 

She levitated the portrait off of the wall before muttering a secret charm Sirius taught her when he was still around. A small opening appeared in the wall, and she pushed it open, pulling out a small satchel that had an undetectable extension charm. 

She reached into it, pulling out muggle money, and multiple IDs, and passports. He had them made through Remus and Althena in case it would happen to be needed. Aurora was never told where the money was from, all Sirius told her was that there was plenty in the satchel. 

"Is Aurora Black leaving?" Dobby sadly asked. 

Aurora sighed and knelt down next to him, taking his hands, "Yes. I was never going to stay long. I'm sorry, Dobby."

"Where are you going?"

"I can't say. Don't wait around for me." 

Dobby sighed and hugged Aurora, "Dobby wishes for you to be safe. Dobby would be very sad he never saw Aurora Black again."

"We'll see one another again. And I want you to be safe." Aurora said, giving him a small smile, "Thank you for everything, Dobby."

She put on her jacket and tied up her hair before putting her boots on. 

"Leaving?" Kreacher questioned. 

"I'm sure you're not to broken up about it." Aurora replied, her tone deadpanned. He shook his head as she looked down at him, "Be nice to Dobby."

He nodded bitterly, "Fine."

She walked outside for the first time in a month, struggling against the sun. She put on a pair of sunglasses, walking down the street with her head down. She called a taxi using a phone booth, and one pulled up minutes later. 

She was praying walking amongst the muggles would keep her from being found. 

She got into the taxi, gripping her wand in her coat pocket tightly.

"Where to, love?" The man asked. 

She chose to ignore that last word. 

"Nearest airport."

The ride was quiet. He dropped her off at the airport and she just left money in the backseat. Aurora made her way around the airport, feeling completely out of place amongst so many muggles. 

She looked at a large screen, looking at the flights going to America. The soonest one was to...

"Fuck." She muttered.

New York City

She sighed and bought a ticket making her way to where her flight was. She thanked the gods for the amount of signs in the airport. After reading how long a flight to New York City was, she made sure to stop by small shops in the airport to purchase snacks to put into her bag. 

Aurora boarded her flight, sitting by a window. A man sat beside her, glancing over at her, "That's all you brought?" 


He nodded to her small bag, "This is a 9 hour flight, you know."

"I'm aware."

"... alright."

Takeoff scared Aurora more than she cared to admit. She gripped the arms of her seat tightly, swallowing harshly as she refused to look out the window. 

The man spoke up again, Aurora just noticing the fact that he was American, "You alright there?"

"Fine." She said quietly.

He chuckled softly, "First flight?"

"That obvious?"

"A bit."

She let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in when the plane finally settled in the air. She finally mustered up the courage to look out the window. She smiled softly, it was like flying on a broom, just a few feet higher. 

"It's pretty relaxing once it all settles."

Merlin, is he still here?"

"Yeah." Aurora said with a small sigh.

"Sorry. I forgot Brits don't enjoy talking to strangers nearly as much as Americans do." The man said. 

She glanced at him, "It's all right. I'm just a little anxious, is all."

"From the flight or something else?"

"A mix of both."

"Do you want to talk about it...?"

From then on, Aurora made small talk with him. She did not in fact talk about her problems, it was easy for her to turn all the questions on him. She learned that his name was Hugh Wallace, aged 41 originally from Nevada but living in New York City, married to Christa Wallace whom he had 5 girls with. He was an astronomer, and visited Oxford University to talk about his recent findings.

"What's your favorite constellation?" Hugh asked. 

"Uhh... I don't think I have one. I'm not exactly well-versed in star knowledge."

He smiled softly, "Mine is a basic one, Orion. Mainly visible in the winter time. Orion has a hunting dog, actually, that would be Canis Major. That constellation is quite neat, it's got the brightest star in the night sky called Sirius. I love winter for the reason of being able to see Orion's belt and Sirius. I always wonder what it's like for Sirius, to be able to outshine all the other stars."

"Must be a taxing job." Aurora quietly said.

"I imagine so. In Greek mythology, Sirius is Orion's hunting dog. I've always loved how constellations and stars were named after gods. I had to beg my wife to name our daughters after Greek goddesses."

"What are their names?"

"Juno is our oldest. In mythology, Hera, the wife of Zeus, had a nickname of Juno. Then we have Iris, who was the messenger of Zeus and Hera. Maia, the eldest of the Pleiades, which are actually a collection of stars, by the way. Selene, goodness of the Moon. And our youngest, my wife and I decided to do a Roman goddess, Diana, goddess of wild animals and the hunt."

Aurora smiled lightly, "That was my mother's name."

"Really? Look at that. I like to think that if Diana, or Artemis, was a Greek goddess, she would have taken Orion's dog, Sirius, for walks."

Aurora let out a small laugh, and to her surprise, a tear fell from her eye. She wiped it away before he could notice, "Yes, I imagine that as well."

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