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The longer Aurora found herself looking at the pocket watch she found, she would begin to hear whispers calling out her name. It sent chills down her spine each time, and she came to the conclusion that it wasn't just in her head.

She didn't bring it up to the Order, something was telling her not to.

It was an early morning in a muggle town closest to where she and George lived. She avoided Diagon Alley, much like the rest of the Wizarding World.

She walked into a small grocery store, which was open 24/7 to her luck. She wanted to (attempt) to make a nice breakfast, as George was the one who usually did the cooking. And besides, it's not like her sleeping got any better.

She returned home roughly 15 minutes later, and got to cooking. When Aurora and George told his family that they were moving in together, Molly sent with them numerous cookbooks. Aurora had one floating in the air, the page turned to crêpes.

She wasn't the best in the kitchen, not nearly on George's level (though he still wasn't a professional either), she was able to get by. Aurora was enjoying the morning, happy with the fact that she was in a such chipper mood.

George woke up when she was nearly finished cooking, delighted to what he was smelling. He tiredly walked into the kitchen, "Well, this is quite something to wake up to."

"Thought I would surprise you with a nice breakfast considering it's you who usually cooks and deals with me."

"I don't deal with you." He said as he placed a kiss on her forehead, "I quite enjoy your company, believe it or not. Have you got any plans today?"

"Gonna go through the cupboard today." She said, nodding to the one in the living room. 

Aurora still hadn't finished going through the house, despite it not being a large home, there was a lot in there. 

George made two cups of tea, taking his to the small dining table that was just by the kitchen. Aurora was finishing up breakfast when his eyes landed on a few cloth tote bags on the kitchen counter by a few ingredients, the ones they usually took when they would go out grocery shopping.



"Did you go out this morning?"

"Sort of had too. Didn't have all of the ingredients to make this." She said as she placed a plate in front of him.

He sighed, "We made an agreement that we wouldn't go out alone. You know how dangerous it is. You could've been attacked."

"Do you think they would have just left me alone if you were there?" She asked, leaning a hand on the back of a chair.

"No, but you wouldn't have been alone should it have happened." He said, looking up at her with a disappointed face and tone.

Aurora turned back to the kitchen, taking off her apron and fixing her own plate, "Should, George. Should it have happened. It didn't. It's not a big deal."

"It is a big deal, Aurora. You can't just go out whenever you please anymore all by yourself."

"Why are you being so controlling?" She asked with a sigh.

"I'm not trying to control you. We made a deal. We don't go out alone."

Aurora rubbed the middle of her forehead lightly, "For crying out loud, George, it's not a big deal. Just eat the damn crêpes and maybe say a thank you."

"I'm very thankful that you did this, but it's not worth the risk. I would have rather us go out together and have me know about this little surprise than you be alone. It may look like not a big deal to you, but what would happen if you were attacked and killed? What would that do to Remus, your aunt, or everyone else?"

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