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The group made their way straight to the Great Hall, barging in on Harry showing himself to Snape.

"It would seem that, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you have a bit of a security problem, Headmaster," Harry said. 

Snape shifted his gaze from Harry to the Order. He looked eyes with Aurora briefly before looking at the rest, "

"And I'm afraid it's rather extensive," Harry added. 

The Carrows faltered in moving towards Harry. They turned to Snape with uncertainty. 

"How dare you stand where he stood," Augustus said, stepping forward.

Harry drew his wand, and before Aurora could act, she saw Snape give the slightest shake of his head. 

"Tell them how it was that night. Tell then how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you... and killed him. Tell them!" Harry yelled. 

As Snape moved to retrieve his wand, McGonagall stepped forward. She sent a blast his way, and chaos erupted in the room. Before the Carrows could move, Aurora raised her wand and sent a blast, knocking them against the wall. 

McGonagall and Snape battled for a few passing moments until Snape waved his wand over his head, darkness encompassing him. He flew through the window, and the crowd cheered as McGonagall lit fires on the walls to lighten up the room. 

"Coward! COWARD! And he didn't even stay to fight!" McGonagall yelled. 

She turned to Harry and Aurora, "Mister Potter, Miss Black, do you mind telling me what you're doing here, which, I trust you realize, is an act of complete and utter lunacy? And how in the bloody hell is Mister Cairo alive?"

"Long story," Aurora replied. 

McGonagall turned to the students, "All right! Settle down! Settle down!" she yelled. The room quieted, "It appears that your Headmaster, to use the common phrase, has done a bunk."

Cheers arose from all of the houses and even a few Slytherins. 

Suddenly, Harry and Aurora both winced, pressing their fingers to their temples. 

A low rumbling filled the hall and the cheering quickly died down. Aurora looked up with trembling fingers, seeing that the enchanted ceiling was becoming covered with dark clouds. A chill breeze flew through the room as George put a worried hand on Aurora's shoulder. 

A girl screamed, her voice becoming louder and louder as Harry walked around to see who it was coming from. He found a young girl cowered on the floor, her hands over her eyes. She seemed possessed.

Another scream erupted. Aurora looked around and noticed that everyone was beginning to mirror the girl on the floor. A voice bloomed in her head, through everyone's head. All except Augustus and Celestina. 

"I know that many of you will want to fight. Some of you may even think this wise. But this is folly. I wish you no harm. I have great respect for the students of Hogwarts. I was once one myself after all. I ask for but one thing and if granted no magical blood shall be spilt... Give me Harry Potter and Aurora Black. Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter and Aurora Black and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter and Aurora Black and you will be rewarded."

The whisper receded and the clouds evaporated in the enchanted ceiling. The crowd parted and everyone eyed Aurora and Harry. 

Pansy Parkinson pointed her finger at the two, "But they're there! Potter's and Black are there! Someone grab them!"

Ginny instinctively stepped in front of Harry, and George in front of Aurora. 

"Maybe you should shut your fucking mouth," Celestina spoke up.

"And who are you?" Pansy snapped. 

She crossed her arms, "Celestina Riddle, pleasure to make your acquaintance, pug-face."

One by one, all of the houses began to crowd around Aurora and Harry, shielding them. Even a few Slytherins joined in, facing the others. 

Just then, Filch bursted into the hall holding his cat, "students out of bed! Students in the corridors!" he yelled before stopping dead in his tracks.

"They're supposed to be out of bed, you blithering idiot!" McGonagall said. 

"Oh. Sorry, mum," Filch said, turning away.

"Wait! As it turns out, Mr. Filch, your arrival is most opportune. If you would, I'd like you to lead Miss Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin House from the Hall," McGonagall said as the other houses began to cheer again.

"Wait!" Augustus spoke up.

Everyone turned to him, "not all of Slytherin. Look at the ones who are standing with us," he said, "not all of us are on his side. Some of them... they want to fight with us."

Aurora, Iniya, Romare, and Darren all stepped forward, "We're proud members of the Slytherin House. With all due respect, you're taking away their chance to stand with us rather than against us, Professor," Romare said. 

McGonagall looked to the eager Slytherins standing with everyone else, "very well then. To the ones who do not wish to fight with us, you shall be taken to the dungeon where you will stay there until this is over. Filch, take them away."

"Right away."

Several Slytherins stayed back, but more went with Filch. Throughout the crowd, Gwenna caught a glimpse of Theo, who stayed back. He looked to her, giving her a smirk. 

Aurora looked to Romare, nodding to him in thanks.

McGonagall turned to Aurora and Harry, "I presume you have a reason for returning, Potter. What is it you need?"

"Time, as much as you can give us," Aurora answered. 

She nodded, "Do what you have to do. I'll secure the castle."

"Is that possible, Professor?" Harry asked. 

"We teachers are rather good atmagic, Potter. We've even beenknown to turn out a worthwhilewitch or wizard on occasion. I think it's time I ask a few ofthem to take their magic beyondthe classroom. What d'you think?"

The two followed McGonagalls gaze to Gwenna, Neville, and Ginny conferring with a few members of Dumbledore's Army. 

"I think you're right," Harry said. 

McGonagall nodded, still sizing up some of Dumbledore's Army members. Aurora and Harry turned to exit when she spoke up again, "by the way, Potter, Black... it's good to see you two. Fighting together."

"You too, Professor."

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