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Christmas Holidays came quickly. 

Before everyone knew it, Darren got the word Gwenna was safe with her parents and Ginny was home. 

"There's this kid–"

"Who are you calling kid?" Fred asked Ginny as they all sat around the table at the St. Claire Manor having dinner. 

"There's this boy who is younger than I am, Ben Walker, he's an original member of Dumbledore's Army. He said he met you, Aurora, during his first year. Do you remember him?"

Aurora smiled gently, "I do."

"Well, we've been training him. I don't have much hope for him, though. He's so gentle, even more gentle than Luna! At least she knows when to get down and dirty in a fight."

"He was absolutely frantic when I met him. Poor kid. Is he doing all right, though?"

"I mean he still won't bite back when he gets bullied, so..."

Aurora sighed, "Keep an eye on him for me, yeah?"

"Will do."

Later that night, Remus and Althena were back at his and Tonks' cottage sitting on the couch. 

"He's getting so big already, little Lupin," Althena commented. 

"Yeah," Remus distantly replied. 

She turned to her best friend, "Remus?"

"I shouldn't have done this."

"Done what?"

"Marry Tonks, bring a child into the world, especially at times like this."

Althena narrowed her gaze, "What's brought this on? You love Tonks."

"I do. That's why I shouldn't have done this. She's had to be burdened with my condition for so long, and what if our child gets it? He shouldn't have to live with such a thing," Remus quietly said.

"Remus, he won't be born a lycanthrope. Tonks loves you, I assure you she doesn't see it as a burden. Don't let your intrusive thoughts take you over."

"How can I not when I know it's true?"

"It's not true!" Althena said before lowering her voice, remembering Tonks was asleep in the other room, "You need to have a little faith, Remus."

"Sounds strange, coming from you."

"I know. But you're loved, Remus. And little Lupin is going to have a good life with you and Tonks, lycanthropy or not."

He sighed, "I'm sorry, Althena. I didn't mean to spring this on you. I'm just on edge."

"It's alright," Althena said, rubbing his shoulder. 

After their discussion, Althena apparated back to her cottage. Estella and Iniya were already asleep, leaving Althena alone. She looked at multiple moving photographs on her wall, sighing at a picture of Diana laughing at something Marlene had said. 

Days later after New Years at the St. Claire Manor, Aurora and George laid wide awake in bed at night. The lamps on either side of the bedside tables were still on, allowing dim light to cascade throughout the room. 

"I don't want Ginny to go back there."

"I hate to break it to you, but it's not your decision to make," Aurora said.

He sighed, "I know. I'm just worried, it's not safe."

"I agree with you, but at least she's somewhat safe. She's a pure-blood."

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