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"Now, I know you've been busy with this last mission and such, so I've still been taking care of her–"

"What potion have you been giving her, Gabriel?" Snape asked as he stood across from Gabriel in the Malfoy Manor.

He picked up a deep red potion from a floating tray next to them, "One of my own creations. I have no word for it, but it keeps her in check."

"In check... how so?"

He put the potion down and wandered around the room, "Lavinia is quite troubled. When she doesn't take the potion, the withdraw effects are nothing short of difficult, and she goes back to being less cooperative."

"So Lavinia did not willingly join us?"

Gabriel gave him a small smile, "That information has nothing to do with our conversation, Severus. Voldemort obviously trusts you enough with the potions so... I have no place but to hand it over to you." He said with a twinge of venom is his voice, "I trust that you will be just as efficient as I am."

Snape took the potion off of the tray, and walked out of the room without further conversation. 

He went to the Malfoy Manor, where Lavinia had moved into at the offer of Narcissa. She sat in a small room in the lowest level, empty potion bottles and various ingredients surrounding her. 

Snape handed her a goblet of a translucent blue liquid that looked to be almost glowing. Lavinia glanced up at him, "This doesn't look to be what I normally have."

"Tell me, Lavinia, do you know what he exactly gives you?" 

She shook her head, "No."

"You don't question it?"


"Then don't question this."

She drank the entirety of what he gave her, carefully putting down the goblet. She stumbled back, anchoring a hand the back of her chair as her face scrunched up in pain, "Wh-What did you give me?"

He didn't reply, watching her struggle against what he gave her. She slumped into the chair as her body broke out into a sweat, her breathing becoming heavy. After a few minutes of struggling and quiet whimpers, Lavinia steadied her breathing. 


She glanced up at him, "What?"

"Why did you join the Death Eaters?"

She stayed silent, trying to comb through her fractured mind. She closed her eyes winced at the sharp pain in her head, shaking it, "I-I don't know. I can't remember."

"What do you remember?"

"Being told my brother is dead. Being hexed by Natrix and Hesperia Cairo, a-and watching Sirius die. That's all I can remember right now."

He sighed, "You must stay silent during meetings. Can you do that?"

"I'm always silent during meetings, Severus."

"Very well."

The potion had some effect, but it just wasn't enough. Not yet, at least.

A few floors up, Morana Van Vries sat in a living room with Narcissa. She took a sip of tea, "Draco doesn't seem to want to be here. Doing this."

"He's young." Narcissa replied simply, "Do... do you miss Sayaka? Do you regret what you did?"

"Giving her a place in this world? Giving her a purpose that she selfishly rejected? My only regret is not putting a charm on her that would keep her in her place." Morana spat.

Narcissa stared at her, "She was your daughter, Morana. You feel no sadness for your own daughter?"

"I felt nothing for my husband, and it was me who actually put him six feet under. It's pathetic that Sayaka gave herself up to the Black Heiress." Morana said bitterly. Narcissa abruptly stood up, heading for the door, "Do you still see her as your daughter?"

"I raised her for 14 years of her life, Morana. I would be lying if I said I didn't."

Morana stood up to face her, "So when it comes down to it, and Aurora Black is on her knees defenseless with wands pointed to her face, will you step in or allow her to be rightfully executed?"

Narcissa stared at her, opening the door, "You may go."

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