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Aurora and George arrived to the Manor roughly 15 minutes after everyone else. When they walked into the living room, they were instantly greeted by Margot and Romare, "I'm glad you two could make it." Margot kindly said.

Margot looked slightly different from the last time Aurora saw her. Her hair had grown out past her shoulders (thanks to magic), and it was dyed a more natural color of blonde, along with bangs that were across her forehead.

"We wouldn't miss it." Aurora kindly said as a baby began to cry loudly.

They shifted their attention to Althena, who had a frown as the baby she held continued to scream, "I told you not to give it to me."

"For Godric's sake, it's not an it." Remus said.

"I think she might not like you because she can sense your undeadness." Fred joked as Molly scolded him.

Althena rolled her eyes as Aurora walked to her, "I'll take her."

"Please do." Althena said as Aurora bent down, taking the baby.

She sat down and George followed suit, "Circe's got your eyes, Margot." George commented as Circe grabbed his finger, making him smile lightly.

Margot and Romare named their newborn baby Circe, named after the character in the Odyessy.

"Where are Bill and Fleur?" Aurora questioned as she passed Circe to George.

"Train's running a little late because of a certain someone and his gang." Zoya replied bitterly from beside Fred and her father, Nhan.

"They didn't get into danger, did they?" She worriedly asked.

"No, they're all right." Arthur chimed in, "They'll be here any minute."

Roughly 10 minutes later, Bill and Fleur arrived safe and sound. Fleur's parents and little sister also joined in on dinner.

"So, who do you think will be the next Weasley to get hitched?" Romare asked with a grin as he took a bite of a casserole that Molly made.

The Weasley siblings all looked at one another before Fred turned to Zoya, "Zoya, w–"

"Don't even." She said with a smile as he chuckled.

"Aurora and George moved in together. So I'd say things are looking like it'll be them next." Fred said.

Bill turned to the two, "Really? Congratulations, you two. Hope Fred isn't too lonely." He teased.

"Believe me mate, I'm just fine." Fred replied as he stuffed his face with bread.

After dinner, Fleur pulled Aurora aside.

"I ever got to express how sorry I am for your loss." She sadly said as she took Aurora's hand, "That night when he died... I still think about it often. How horrible you must have felt..."

Fleur didn't have to say his name for Aurora to know who she was talking about, "I'm all right now, Fleur. Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts, though. It really does mean a lot."

She smiled and brought Aurora in for a hug, which caught her slightly off guard. After they pulled apart, Fleur went off to visit with everyone else. She decided to walk outside, in need of fresh air.

To her surprise, Remus was already outside sitting on a bench. She walked to him, sitting down as she inhaled the fresh air.

"Is it bothering you as well?" Remus quietly asked.


"Haven't slept a wink. Poor Tonks, she thinks it's something she's done but..."


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