SEQUEL 8) Just As Much As I'm A Part Of You

Start from the beginning

"She wasn't even supposed to be in our class." Hayden said to Liam as she backed up to the other side of the classroom. She watched as Scott carried Tracy out of the classroom followed by the two Stilinski's and Malia. "Where are they taking her?" She asked.

"Uhh..." Liam thought for a moment. "The hospital, I guess..." he suggested with a shrug.

Hayden began to step away, holding her wrist. Liam stepped forward. "Do you need help getting to the nurse's office?"

Hayden looked back at him. "I think I'll make it." She said snidely


The fight between Lemony and Dexter lasted longer that the previous one, but unlike their previous two fights Lemony has played defense but this time around she's playing offense which she's had less practice at and because she was more preoccupied with working out how he found out about her -shall we say- past with the goddess of the hunt. This unfortunately meant that she was distracted so she missed the moment that Dexter somehow hooked her ankle with her own scythe. Lemony went down like a lead balloon. Her back hitting the floor with a hearty thud. She winced as she hit the ground and Dexter's sword was pressed to her neck.

"I win." He smirked.

Lemony sighed, flopping her head backwards. "Fine."

Dexter laughed, he realised Lemony's neck and put his sword on his shoulder. He reached a hand out to Lemony to take.

She sighed and took it. He pulled up and Lemony came up, standing in front of him, she released his hand and stepped back. She turned the coin on her ring, letting her scythe do its usual thing.

"So what do you want to know?" She sighed.

"Well there are a few rumours going around about how she was going to leave the gods for a demigod from Beacon Hills." Dexter shrugged, the two took a walk to the buckets again, grabbing their respective drinks and taking a seat.

The rest of the camp was up now and at the breakfast tent. Lemony was wondering if Izabelle was alright, she had no clue where Lemony was after all.

"And you know I'm from Beacon Hills because I told you." Lemony sighed.

Dexter laughed. "Yeah you walked into that one. I just want to clear some things up, that's all."

Lemony looked at him one eyebrow raised.

"Okay. I'm being nosey." Dexter clarified. "But I won't tell anyone what you tell me. I swear on my father." He raised one hand.

Lemony just rolled her eyes. "Fine. But there's not much to tell. She was asked by my mother to keep an eye out for me. She told me she was a demigod. She and I had a 'thing'." Lemony used her fingers to make quotation marks around the word: 'thing'. "She helped me save my brother, our friends in Mexico. She told me she loved me. I cried and she left. That's it really."

Dexter was quiet for a moment. He thought through everything she had said, then spoke: "so by thing you mean..." he asked.

"Really? That's what you took from that?" Lemony asked. Dexter waited for an answer. "Yes. We did exactly what you think." She rolled her eyes.

"Did you care about her?" Dexter asked her.

"Of course she was kind and caring." She said. "Are you satisfied now? Can we go and join the others?"

Dexter nodded and stood up, he collected his things in the bucket and held out his hand again for Lemony, who took it and got to her feet. Before Lemony could walk away Dexter spoke up again.

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