"I'll spend a lifetime too Draco..." I said as I stood on my tippy toes and gave him a tiny kiss on the lips. "...Always." I said quietly.

Draco Malfoy's POV

"See I fixed your dress." I laughed as we left the roof.

"I forgot about the drying spell." She said with a quiet laugh.

She smiled down at her dress as she patted it down to make it smooth.

"Perfect." She mumbled as she looked back up at me with her bright blue eyes.

Even though her eyes had a spell on them I still think they're beautiful.

"So what now Mr. Malfoy?" She asked with an eyebrow raise.

"Well I was thinking we co-"

"Gemini..." Snape interrupted as he walked up behind her.

Her face light up at the sound of her fathers voice, although his face didn't show happiness, it showed sadness. She wiped around quickly to her dad and I could see her smile drop at the facial expression he had on his face.

"W-what's wrong dad?" She spoke worriedly.

Her dad sighed quietly and looked at me as he started to speak, like he was too scared to disappoint his daughter.

I knew exactly what was about to come out of his mouth.

"I know it's your birthday Gem, but he doesn't care...you're being sent to do your job." He spoke quietly.

She stepped back slowly and sighed.

"Yeah, I understand." She said quietly.

Of course she understood but it's obvious she wants to curl up in a ball and cry.

Snape pulled a closed black letter out of his pocket and handed it to Gemini.

"I'm sorry Gem." He said sadly as he gave her a small kiss on her forehead.

"D-don't be. I did this to myself." She said as she stared down at the letter.

"Remember the plan Gemini." Snape whispered and then he walked away quickly.

Gemini took a deep breath and turned back around to look at me.

"Plan?" I asked her quietly, interested in what her dad meant.

She looked around quickly, making sure no one was around to hear us, she spotted a few students so she quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me into a storage closet.

"Interesting choice." I joked as we stood chest to chest.

I couldn't see her in the dark but I could feel her laugh slightly.

"The order of the Phoenix came up with a plan. Each family I am required to murder will be sent to a safe house, but we will make sure it looks like they were murdered." She whispered.

"Gem...that's dan-"

"I know it's dangerous Draco. I know what you're gonna say 'you're choosing their life over yours' and you're right I am, but if anyone deserves to live it's these innocent families...Not some girl with devil horns coming out of her head." She said quietly as she placed a hand on my chest.

"You deserve to live Gem." I said as I cupped her hand she placed on my chest.

"I know I do, but who would I be if I just let them die?" She asked quietly.

I understood what she meant, and I am thankful she can be this person. She's selfless.

She dropped her hand and grabbed her wand out of her leg holster.

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