Chapter 44 - Alone

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My mind was in turmoil. The information that my parents willingly inflicted this curse on me was a hard pill to swallow. While Ben had said it was so that they could protect me, from what I was still not sure, the consequences of that action had not been mild. The amnesia I suffered, which now seems to be a direct result of the initiation of the curse, coupled with the guilt that I could not remember my parents, plagued me constantly when I was younger.

Not to mention the bizarre side effect of knocking anyone physically close to me out if I felt too much enjoyment. That left me limiting my interaction and not being romantic with anyone for fear of the consequences. Not an enjoyable experience. It made me antisocial and dented my self-confidence. Granted, I was able to piece it back together later in my life, but not without first going through the darkest days of my existence. There were times I hit rock bottom and there was no one but myself to pull me back out. It was lonely.

That was ultimately what it boiled down to. Everything that had happened and had been revealed left me feeling lonelier than ever. There was no one I could rely on. No one in my corner. I was utterly on my own. Though that was the case most of my life, some part of me felt like I had Ben and my aunt and uncle, but now I couldn't trust anyone. Dmitri was helping me, but that was probably because he had to. As protector of the town I lived in, it was a duty more than anything else. The issue was that the more time I spent with him, the more my attachment and feelings developed. I fell in love with him. With a Lycan Alpha, a man who lived centuries and could have any woman in the world. A man who excited me in more ways than one. Mentally, physically, and emotionally.

It wasn't just that he could endure the curse while pleasing me in the most sexually stimulating way I have ever experienced. It was that he seemed to be there when I needed him. While not the most expressive man alive, I loved being around him. He made me feel safe, looked after me, and protected me. I liked that he was brooding and mature. I liked that he knew what he wanted and took charge. There was so much more about him that I wanted to find out, but he wasn't mine to devour internally and externally. I was becoming reliant on his presence in my life, and that was dangerous, especially if he decided to leave. I don't think I could handle that.

A throat clearing behind me snaps me out of my incessant thoughts.

I turn around to look at the literal manifestation of them. Worry is written all over his features. I regard him, his off-white hair captured in a ponytail, leaving his stubbled jawline on full display. His lips are in a thin line, lips that I want to feel all over my body. His brow is furrowed slightly. My plain hazel eyes meet his otherworldly green ones, to be met with emotion in them I can't decipher.

"Are you okay, Skylar?" His tone is even, but I notice there is hesitancy in his question. I don't really know what he is expecting from me. Tears, screams. None of that makes an appearance. I am just sad. Sad and alone.

"Well, that was a revelation," I say, trying to force a grin onto my face. Judging from the look of concern on Dmitri's face, I must fail.

"I'm fine, Dmitri. It is a lot to process, but I'm glad the truth is out. Now I just have to find a way to avoid Hunters finding and killing me, track down a warlock that has cursed me so he can lift it, understand why it was done in the first place, and then move to a town where no one can find me where I can live my life in peace. Easy peasy." I force joviality I don't feel into the words, a defensive technique I have honed over the years. Making light of things so that no one knows how I really feel.

"Don't do that Skylar. Don't hide your feelings from me. I know this isn't easy. If you need to cry, just cry. I am here for you. We will figure this out together."

Tears start to prickle my eyes at his words as I struggle to maintain the cool façade I have in place. Luckily, my phone chooses that moment to ring, giving me respite from the intensity of this conversation.

"Let me get that," I say quietly, making a hasty retreat to the kitchen, where my phone is charging. This distraction couldn't have been timed better.

I get to my phone, the name on the screen reminding me of the life I had just two weeks ago that seems so distant now.

"Chris, hey, how are you?" I answer, my forced cheeriness coming across as exaggerated instead of natural. I cringe hearing it.

"Hi Skylar, how have you been? You sound...different." Chris' smooth voice comes through the receiver, tinged with concern. Before I can answer, I hear a growl behind me. I look over to see Dmitri standing there, his eyes black as night, anger radiating from his entire being. His hands are fisted at his sides, clenching and unclenching. That would have to wait, I think, turning away from him as I walk back into the bedroom.

"Sorry, yes, I'm fine. It must be the line," I say, trying to sound more natural.

"I'm in town at the moment and I thought we could get together at Fred's Diner tonight." His voice is like velvet, not as attractive as Dmitri's, but definitely charming. I completely forgot about our agreement to meet. With everything going on, it slipped my mind.

I hear another growl from the other room, knowing it is Dmitri. Why he was getting so riled up was a mystery I would solve later.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Chris. I'm out of town at the moment. I should have let you know, but it was so last minute that I forgot. We will have to take a rain check. Maybe when you are in the area again?"

"No worries Skylar. My business will actually keep me here for a couple of weeks. When are you back?" He sounds what I can only describe as frustrated.

"I'm not sure exactly, but it should be soon. How about I call you when I return to the shop?" The thought of returning to normality, though, now seemed almost impossible.

There is a moment of silence before he says, "Sure, Skylar. Look after yourself."

"Thanks for understanding, Chris. We'll chat soon, then." With that, the call ends, followed immediately by a hulking, angry Lycan stomping into the room.

"Who the fuck is Chris?" Dmitri grinds out. He seems to be struggling to keep himself under control. His eyes are pitch black, and his body is tense.

"He is just a supplier. I buy herbs from him, Dmitri. Calm down," I say quietly, not really understanding what is happening here. My words seem to have no calming effect.

"Why does he want to meet you?" Dmitri tears his gaze from mine as he starts pacing before me.

"He is in the Willow Falls area on business, and it is a courtesy I assume he affords all his clients. You know, marketing and creating a business relationship. That sort of thing. I don't understand why you are so angry, Dmitri," I say, slightly exasperated.

He stops pacing, moving slowly to face me as his pitch-black eyes bore into mine.

"Mine," he growls out.

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