Chapter 22 - The Castle

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Geez, that was intense. After Dmitri stalked off, I quickly locked myself in the bathroom. He can smell me. Shit. I forgot about his super smell. I'm so embarrassed. When I came looking for him after he left so abruptly, I heard his heavy breathing and grunting when I stood outside the men's bathroom he retreated into.

I'm not so naïve that I can't tell what those sounds allude to. The thought of him jacking off in the bathroom created images in my mind and aroused me to the point that immobilized me. Listening to him finish himself off turned me on like never before. My panties were a mess. I can't remember when last I was this wet. And in public. Fuck, what was wrong with me. This is so embarrassing. I was so aroused I felt like I was going to explode. I remembered I had spare panties in my bag in case my period showed.

Unsure of how I would face Dmitri, I slowly open the door. Thank the pope, the staff on the plane were nowhere to be seen. Dmitri's orders, I assume. I head to my seat, relieved to see he isn't there. He must be further up somewhere. Hastily, I grab my toiletry bag and head back to the bathroom, changing my panties. While I'm at it, I decide to wash my face and brush my hair for good measure. More as a delay tactic, I admit, when I have finally done everything I can in this bathroom. I have to go out there sometime, I tell myself.

I head back to my seat, Dmitri still nowhere to be seen. As time goes on, I get more and more anxious as he still has not returned. There's no point in looking for him as he can't have gone far. I hope this isn't going to create something awkward between us. I know he was probably worked up by the air hostess. As uninterested as he appeared, he was still a man with needs, and maybe her attentions sparked something. This is the only thing I can think of. Looking at her walking towards me solidifies my reasoning as she is quite gorgeous. Long legs, nice smile, ample breasts, curvy in all the right places. And she seems nice, from the little interaction we have had.

"We will be landing shortly," she says, smiling before walking off towards the restricted section of the plane. I assume to settle in for the landing. The seatbelt light goes on, and I buckle up—still no Dmitri.

The next time I see him is outside the jet after landing. Once the air hostess informs me I can disembark, I grab my travel bag and head down the jet's stairs toward Dmitri.

He is standing by a car next to a much smaller built man, talking to him in Spanish. I am ignorant of what they say to each other as I know no other languages. Their gestures and stance indicate that they are arguing, and Dmitri is clearly unhappy with what the man says. He sees me and dismisses the man in front of him, who also appears to be our driver. He walks over to me and takes my hand luggage.

"Time to go," Dmitri says, opening the back door before gesturing for me to get in.

He avoids my gaze, and I wonder if I should bring up what happened earlier to clear the air. We're adults, not children. We should be able to talk these things out. I climb in, and he shuts the door, moving around to the other door before getting in next to me.

"Vamos," he says to the driver before we head off to god only knows where.

It dawns on me that this is probably a bad idea. I'm in another country with a man I don't know. I haven't let my aunt, uncle, or even Ben know where I am, something I will remedy as soon as we reach our destination. Hopefully, I am not murdered on the way, and the look on Dmitri's face as I side-glance him certainly looks murderous.

"Everything okay, Dmitri?" I ask quietly, looking at him fully. "If you're still angry about earlier, we should just talk about it like adults. I understand. The air hostess probably got you worked up. It happens. Masturbation is normal. As for me, I haven't been intimate...for a long time," I trail off, not wanting to divulge that I was still a virgin.

"We were both worked up. So what? Done and dusted," I ramble on, blushing furiously. "Let's just put it behind us, okay?"

Dmitri is just looking at me with an expression that is a mix between disbelief and anger.

"You think the air hostess was the cause." It's more of a statement than a question, his eyes locked with mine intensely.

"You're very naïve Skylar... and unaware. I don't really know if that is a good thing," he says, breaking our eye contact when I say nothing.

"We will be at our destination shortly. Unfortunately, I could not secure two separate rooms as the initial reservation was for one room only. With the conference taking place, all accommodation is full." He is looking out the window, his words curt and harboring irritation.

"We will be sharing a room, but as you stated, we are adults, so this shouldn't be a problem," he looks at me, sarcasm lacing the sentence.

I just nod in acknowledgment before looking out of my window. Part of me is excited. I obviously found this man very attractive, as highlighted by my arousal on two different occasions. Part of me is jealous. Did he have a plus one that was going to accompany him before my situation arose, that was intimate enough with him that one room was sufficient? I doubt our situation happened twice. I have no right to be jealous, but I was. Something I didn't feel like psychoanalyzing right now.

I'm so wrapped up in my thoughts that I don't realize we have pulled up in front of what I can only describe as a vast medieval-looking castle.

"Most of the guests are arriving later. I wanted to avoid the rush by arriving yesterday as originally scheduled, but with plans changing, that ship sailed." Dmitri gets out of the car, leaving me gaping at the castle before me. As I understand it, we are here for two nights for a conference before heading to a villa Dmitri owns on an island not far from here.

The driver opens my door, and as I climb out, I notice an immaculate red carpet leading from the front door, down six steps, along a passage created by well-manicured bushes and lawns on the sides. I'm literally in awe, just standing there looking up at this insanely well-kept castle. I feel like I've entered a fairy tale. Parts of the castle have been restored, but the original essence has been preserved.

Dmitri puts his hand on the small of my back, breaking me out of my staring competition with the castle before leading me up the red carpet. The door is more of an archway leading into an open roof area with a massive fountain in the middle. There are columns all along the sides, keeping the balcony surrounding the area up.

There are doors leading into different rooms on the side, intricately designed glasswork allowing for some insight into what lies beyond. We walk towards the fountain, and I see a large dining room area through doors under the balcony on the right-hand side. Oversized wooden chairs surround oval tables dotted around the room. I count ten to a table, twenty tables excluding the main table.

The long main table is in the front of the dining hall, with six intricately decorated chairs neatly in a row beside each other. A large crystal chandelier hangs in the center of the room. Expensive tapestries and cloth are draped from the white walls. Crisp white tablecloths, shining plates, and cutlery are laid on each table. Large centerpieces adorn each table with the most beautiful array of colorful flowers, breaking the formality of the room.

I realize my head is straining as I try to catch sight of more, but Dmitri continues leading me towards a reception area around and to the front of the fountain, through an archway on the opposite side of when we first arrived. He sits me down in a luxurious brown and orange armchair in a large waiting room area while he checks us in at the front desk. The women at the front desk seem to recognize him immediately, and I can see curious eyes take me in as he gives my name as his plus one.

I wonder if they are werewolves. They are all beautiful, as if sculpted from clay. Their dark complexions make them look exotic and mysterious—a stark contrast to myself.

He returns, once again resting his hand on the small of my back before he guides me to an elevator on the side. Everything in the reception area is marble—expensive cream marble with gold finishings.

I start wondering what the hell, no... where the hell I am. This is too much. What have I agreed to?

As the elevator doors ping shut behind me, I turn to Dmitri, anxiety lacing my words.

"What kind of conference is this, Dmitri?" 

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