Chapter 21 - Spain

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"Miss, would you like something to drink before we take off?" The air hostess pulls me out of the daydream I am in.

"Some water, please," I say to her smiling face before moving my gaze back to the small window beside me.

So much happened in twenty-four hours that I was still mentally struggling to understand everything. My suggestion for Ben to come and stay with me was shot to pieces by Dmitri's reminder of the danger I would be putting him in. He came up with the most ludicrous suggestion, which currently saw me sitting in his private jet, on a runway, about to take off. Destination, you might ask. Well, none other than Spain.

Any other situation would have seen me bouncing off the walls with excitement at seeing Spain for the first time and flying in a private jet, but the circumstances leading here put a damper on those emotions.

Dmitri's suggestion was that I accompany him as his plus one to a week-long convention being held in Spain. Naturally, I refused at first. However, Dmitri's reminder of the genuine danger I was in, coupled with my lack of combat skills and my not wanting his men to watch me, left me with few other options. He insisted this was the only way and that his men would have installed a top-notch security system by the time we returned.

He, unbeknownst to me, had already discussed this with Rene, who was currently, and for the next week, looking after the shop. She was also given the key to my house to water my plants.

Thankfully I renewed my passport a year ago before moving to Willow Falls. Not for any particular reason other than wanting to have a passport handy should an impromptu vacation come up. I always wanted to travel. This is not what I had in mind, though.

Dmitri left me in Ivan's capable hands yesterday after I agreed to this arrangement to fetch his bags and bring them back to my place. He slept on the couch even after my insistence that he sleeps in the guest room, stating that he didn't sleep much and would be more comfortable in the lounge.

We left my place this morning after I packed what I thought was necessary and made our way to a small airport about forty-five minutes drive from Willow Falls.

"You should get some sleep," Dmitri says, sitting down in a seat next to me. He is eyeing my face, and I can see a glimmer of worry before he covers it with a stoic expression. I look like shit with dark circles under my eyes and lifeless, dull skin.

Last night I had yet another bad dream, the same as usual, jolting me awake, heart pounding, in the early morning hours. Dmitri came rushing down the passage before hovering outside my door, asking me if I was okay. I mumbled that it was a bad dream and nothing to worry about before he retreated quietly down the passage. It was still astonishing how acute his hearing was.

The air hostess hands me my water, barely glancing at me. She was practically eye fucking Dmitri beside me and flirtatiously smiling at him. He seemed unaffected by her and brushed her off with such ease you could tell this was behavior he dealt with regularly. After the lift-off, I released my seatbelt and closed my eyes. These seats are so plush and comfortable, I remember thinking before darkness took over. Hopefully, it would be dreamless.


I was finding it hard to concentrate. Sky had fallen asleep hours ago, and, in her sleep, she pulled her legs and sock-covered feet up onto the chair. Her whole body pivoted to the side, with her head resting on my arm. The position looked uncomfortable for her neck, so I gently moved her, positioning her head more on my thigh. She snuggled into position, her head now fully on my lap and groin area. Her hands limply fisted under her chin.

I regretted my decision at the beginning of the flight to lift the armrest, effectively making this now one big seat. But I was a big guy, and as roomy as private jets are, I could always use more room. Call it greed.

Her scent was infiltrating every square inch of air around me, making it hard to breathe anything but her in. I moved the hair that slightly covered her face when she lay down initially, giving me a better view of her features.

Her face was relaxed, her eyes twitching every now and then. Her slightly wet lips were parted, allowing her breath to fan my leg gently. My eyes trailed from her lips down her neck to the small bit of cleavage created by her hands pushing together under her chin. I quickly looked back up and forward, disgusted with myself. I was perving over this woman like a young pup, a teenager with raging hormones.

The problem was this may very well be the most sexually arousing moment of my life. Her innocence, coupled with her scent, had my shaft hard. A shaft that she was currently laying her pretty head on. I shift in my seat, hoping to give myself some space. Think of something else, Dmitri, my inner voice says, chastising me for my weakness towards this human.

I nearly groan out loud as she shifts in her seat, her head brushing against my throbbing hard-on. Her eyes open, and at the shock of seeing the position she is in, she bolts upright, apologizing profusely. I quickly stand up, angling my body away from view as I mumble something to her about being right back.

I make my way to the toilet at the end, slamming the door shut and locking it before zipping down my jeans and releasing my now fully engorged member. It bobs as it is liberated, begging for release. My fingers circle my hardness as I thank the goddess that this would be quick. I could feel it. I start pumping back and forth, faster and faster, pre-cum dripping off the tip, landing on the floor. I lean against the side of the cabin, my head back, eyes closed as thoughts of Sky invade my mind.

Her lips on my mouth, my hands squeezing her pale breasts, rolling her nipples between my thumb and forefinger, watching her face turn to one of pleasure. I trail my hands down to her core, my fingers sliding into her deliciously wet center. Her smell overwhelms me. I pump, my hand moving harder and faster, as hard and fast as I imagine pumping my fingers in her. I come in reality, just as Sky unravels in my fantasy, grunting as I release into the toilet beside me.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't notice the overwhelming smell of her scent until now. It was real. She was standing on the other side of the door. Another aroma accompanies her usual scent. I pull my pants up and rip open the door. I'm hit with the full scent of her arousal. She takes a step back, her eyes shooting up to mine, embarrassment at being caught written all over her face.

"I-I'm sorry," she stutters out, shocked. "I just wanted to check if you are okay. You left so abruptly," she takes a step back as I take one forward.

Instead of fear, my advancement on her makes her more worked up, hornier, wetter. I can tell from the intensity of her scent and the increasing rhythm of her heart. She would like to be dominated, I think, offhandedly.

This game of advance and retreat ends with her back against the cabin door of the women's bathroom on the opposite side. I block her in, my hands slamming into the door on either side of her head.

She continues staring into my eyes, prey that knows it has been caught with no way out.

"Do you need help with that," I growl huskily, my eyes looking briefly down before locking in with hers again. "I can smell you, Skylar."

She turns a shade redder, which I didn't think was possible, before shaking her head vigorously from side to side, hazel eyes wide as saucers. 

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