Chapter 39 - Bound

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I place Sky, whose eyes look like they are about to pop out of her head, on the marble countertop by the basin.

"Wow, Dmitri, this place is exquisite," her eyes finally return to mine after taking in the current room, a smile spread across her exhausted-looking face.

I open the cabinet under the sink and pull out two new toothbrushes and some toothpaste. After brushing my teeth, I head over to the bath and start filling it, adding some bubble bath and bath oils. The aroma of rose that fills the bathroom reminds me of Sky's scent.

She is sitting quietly, lost in thought.

"How are you feeling?" The question snaps her back to reality.

"I'm much better, thank you. The pills must be kicking in." Part of me doesn't really believe her. Her face is still much too pale.

I head over to her, moving her from the counter so that she is standing next to it.

"Are you okay to stand and walk?" I ask her while carefully watching her, looking for signs of her swaying.

"I think I'm good to go." She takes a couple of steps toward the bath.

"Get undressed and climb in. I'm going to prepare some tea Ally left for you. She said you must have some when you wake up. It will help you regain your strength."

I leave quickly, keeping the interleading doors open so that I can hear if Sky needs me. The tea Ally made for Sky smells fucking horrid. I hope it tastes better. I add some honey, hoping it will help with the flavor.

When I return to the bathroom, Sky is submerged in the massive bath, her head resting on a rolled-up towel along the bath's edge.

"I hope it tastes better than it smells," I warn her, handing her the mug.

She sits up, careful to keep her body covered by the suds, before she gives the tea a whiff, her nose scrunching in disgust.

"Bottoms up," she says, tentatively taking a sip to test the temperature before downing the whole lot.

"It wasn't as bad as I thought," she laughs, settling back down, "it reminds me of something I have tasted before. I just can think of it now." Her eyes move to the windows as she takes in the sea view.

I am worried about her. While unconscious, she had two nose bleeds, the first proving challenging to stop. Ally was eventually able to stem the bleeding with a mixture of powdered herbs she stuffed up Sky's nose. The second time there was less blood, but it still required intervention from Ally to get the bleeding to stop.

Raina says it is caused by the force of Sky's power exiting her body, coupled with the curse trying to block everything in. The two opposing forces leave Sky depleted and suffering the consequences. I wanted to take her to the hospital, but Ally, a powerful healer, thoroughly examined her, saying there wasn't anything anyone could do. Sky just needed some rest for her body to recuperate.

She had been thrashing around this morning before she woke up, my name whispered from her mouth. I called to her, hoping to snap her out of whatever dream she was having. Frustration eventually had me shouting at her to wake up. It worked, but looking at her now, she still looked tired. Tired and pale.

She was unconscious for thirty-one excruciating hours. I spent most of my time glued to the side of her bed, watching her chest rise and fall, eyes fluttering in a world I was not part of. The more I sat there, the more I wondered about our connection.

I am falling for her. Something I was only foolishly able to admit to myself as I watched her sleeping form, not sure if or when she would wake up. The thought of her not waking up caused my heart to clench and ache as if physically breaking. If it weren't impossible, I would swear that I was binding with her.

After some time has passed, I glance over at her, noticing that her eyes are now closed. She looks gorgeous. Her face has regained some color, and her cheeks are flushed from the heat of the water.

I get undressed and make my way over to the bath, her eyes flying open when she feels the water move as I put my feet in.

"Dmitri, what are you doing?" she asks, too tired to be shocked. Her eyes meet mine briefly before she turns her head, averting her gaze.

"It's nothing you haven't seen before, Skylar." I'm smirking as I lower myself into the huge tub, the water level rising substantially, causing Sky to bob up and down.

My legs are on either side of her legs, the roominess of the bath leaving more than enough space between us.

Now and then, her leg touches mine, tingles igniting at the meeting points. She is looking at me, but she seems far away.

"You were in my dream," she says quietly, her eyes still on me but unfocused as if she is reliving the experience. "You have been for the last ten years."

I remain silent, giving her a chance to talk, not knowing what to say and wanting her to open up to me. Maybe I'm a coward, but I want her to want me as much as I want her. I want her to be falling for me as I am for her.

"I didn't know it was you until today," she pauses, looking down as if searching her memories. Her gaze flicks back to mine. "You called to me. You brought me back." She is silent for a while.

"The tingles I feel when you touch me, your voice that pulls me from the darkness, the burst of energy that only you seem to be able to withstand...and your scent that is my favorite. Everything about you calls to me."

Realizing what she says hits me like a punch in the stomach. Impossible.

"Skylar, what do you mean my scent is your favorite?" My breath catches as I wait for her answer.

"Sandalwood and pine, my favorite two scents. You smell like that, mixed in with something else, something that is just you." Synaesthesia, I heard about this, but it's so rare I never actually met someone who can see scents.

She must read something from my expression as she suddenly sits up, not caring that her top half is no longer covered.

There is a quiet accusation in her tone as she asks, "What exactly are we to each other, Dmitri?" her brows furrowing as the question leaves her mouth.

I release the breath I have been holding, one word leaving my mouth. "Bound." 

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