Chapter 32 - Getting Ready

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I am currently sitting with my back facing the dressing table in the walk-in closet, a she-wolf named Gloria styling my hair for this evening's fancy dinner, which appears to be more of a ball.

She has already tackled my face. I told her anything goes, but no foundation, as it makes me feel like I can't breathe. She just smiled, saying my skin was so flawless that I didn't need any. What a charmer. I bet she says that to all her clients.

Gloria is the person who saved me from the embarrassment of a conversation with Dmitri about what happened between us a short while ago.

She works for the castle and is one of their in-house stylists, in charge of looking after hair and makeup for various ladies at these types of gatherings. A blessing, as that part of this evening, hadn't even crossed my mind. This must be what it's like to be a famous actress, getting ready for the Oscars, I muse to myself. I am keeping myself busy with some back-and-forth messaging between Rene and me. I am usually a five-minute hair and face kind of girl, so this is a tad bit torturous for me. I don't like sitting in one spot like this for so long.

Rene says everything is okay at the shop and I mustn't worry about anything. She wishes she could be here. She has heard about this Annual Gathering and is green with envy. She also says she is taking good care of my plants. I chuckle as she gushes about Ivan, who keeps her company at the shop when he has time.

"All done," Gloria sings as she spins me around to face the mirror. Stylists are so dramatic, not giving anything away until the final reveal.

Wow, this is why they get paid the big bucks. My hair looks amazing. Instead of it being all neat and curled, as I thought would be the case, I look like a sexy bohemian Viking. Gloria has partially separated my locs from my curly hair on the top, adorning them with beads and cuffs. Some have gold loops spaced evenly, running down the side. My curls have been tamed, left naturally curly but braided in some places and separated individually, making them look shiny and...orderly. Soft wispy red curls are falling along my hairline, framing my face.

That look, coupled with the smoky eyes and wine-colored lipstick, make me look badass. In a really well-thought-out, elegant way, of course, I chuckle inwardly.

"We are on track. We just need to get you into your dress," Gloria says, breaking me out of my admiration for her handy work.

"Which one is it?" She stands in front of the open closet, looking at the five dresses.

"I haven't exactly decided. I like the navy blue one and maybe the black one, though it might be a bit," I say as she starts going through them.

She pulls out the navy blue and black ones before turning around, the black one thrust out in front.

"Definitely this one. It suits your look and the occasion. And believe me, these are tame compared to what some women wear," her brows raising as she nods.

I take the dress, and Gloria, sensing my discomfort, leaves the room for privacy. I remove the bathroom gown and pull on plain black bikini panties. The only sexy black panties I own. I carefully pull the black dress over my head, not wanting to ruin Gloria's hard work on my hair and face. The dress is really figure-hugging and silky, accentuating every curve.

"Gloria," I call, knowing she can hear.

"You look absolutely gorgeous," she gushes after coming back in. "One thing though, I can see your panty lines, so just before you go, lose them." The words leave her mouth so casually as if what she says is normal.

"Not wear panties," I repeat, shock evident in my voice.

"That's what most women do in these situations," she says plainly. "No one will see anything," she continues, "unless you're planning on going all Sharon Stone Basic Instinct's vibe on anyone, you should be good."

"We're done here then. The party starts in fifteen minutes. Don't forget to take off your bracelets and put on the gloves to complete the look." Gloria says as she shoves the last of her things into her stylist bag before heading out of the closet.

"Good luck!" she shouts, leaving me wondering what I have gotten myself into. I hear her greet Dmitri before she leaves the suite.

I almost forgot Dmitri was around somewhere. I have not seen him since he brought Gloria in here earlier.

Not wanting to make him late, I finish getting ready.

The black strappy shoes have a heel that is at least a decent length, something even I can manage. After putting them on, I remove my bracelets and pull on the sleek gloves. I wasn't sure about them before, but they are gorgeous and really complete the outfit. The final act is me shimmying out of my panties.

Mmm, this is definitely a feeling I would need to get used to. I feel exposed. I take a couple of steps, checking in the mirror if my privates can be glimpsed through the slits on either side of the dress. Nothing, Gloria was right. If I don't do any handstands, it should be good.

Turning around, I check the back of the dress. It has a very low v, my back almost completely exposed, not enough to flash the dimples on my lower back, so that's good. "Time to go," I say aloud to my reflection, giving my dress a final smooth down before exiting the closet.

I have butterflies in my stomach as I walk out, nervous and anxious to see Dmitri. I hope that he likes the dress I picked and that I don't make a fool of him at dinner, considering his status, not just at this event but in general. He is obviously well-known and respected.

"Dmitri?" I call out, not seeing him in the room.

He comes walking in from the balcony, and man alive, can this beast get any sexier?

He is in a tailor-fitted tuxedo. The fabric has been sculpted to his body. The crisp black shirt lacks a tie, the top button left unbuttoned, hinting at the sexiness underneath. The tuxedo jacket frames his broad shoulders and is tapered perfectly down his arms, where cufflinks give the whole outfit the only other color. My eyes follow his frame all the way down to his polished black shoes. I look back up, taking the entire view of Dmitri in. His off-white shoulder-length hair has been pushed back and contrasts perfectly with the black of the suit. He looks primal, exuding power, masculinity, and sexuality. My mouth is suddenly dry.

While I have been openly ogling Dmitri, he has been doing the same with me.

He clears his throat, breaking me out of the trance I'm in, and I remember to breathe, sucking in a huge breath of air.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, Skylar." His unworldly green eyes are piercing mine.

"You look stunning yourself," I say back to him, licking my lips unconsciously.

I realize what I'm doing when his eyes dart down and follow my tongue's route. I stop, my eyes meeting his gaze again.

I'm squirming under the intense scrutiny as I feel myself getting worked up.

"We should leave this room," he says huskily, moving swiftly to the door, "before we're late."

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